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Picture/Clip Post Magazine

I am astonished. Durian as a dessert in US!
Hotels in Thailand usually has a sign telling that it is forbidden to bring durians into the hotel. Why ? - it smells quit bad.
But it is popular there, considered delicious.
I like Durian chips.
Actually hotels and almost all forms of public transportation in Malaysia also ban this fruit from entering their premises. That’s also why many stalls/shops selling fresh durian fruits in my country have places prepared for people to eat the fruits immediately, instead of bringing it back home. ? The car will smell for weeks. ?Maybe Febreeze helps ??‍♀️ Because as delicious as it may be, it still leaves a very strong odour behind… ??
They use durian in icecream, creampuffs, biscuits, snacks and cake forms too. The chips are good. ?
Thank you very much everyone, especially @Pretty_Vixen , @Miss_Rachel ,@saddlebum66 ,@Erja ,@Calydon for sharing your treasure trove of pictures with us here ???
I have really enjoyed the stunning, provocative, historical, gorgeous, sexy, hilarious and thought provoking images on this thread and look forward to many more! ❤️❤️❤️
Have you looked at them all yet? I got to about page 16 and got too horny...lol