Yummy I’m very thirsty.Hey, when you have to go, any port in a storm will do.
Yummy I’m very thirsty.Hey, when you have to go, any port in a storm will do.
As do I, Miz K. Before the advent of jets, Ocean-goers like the Uniited States were cheap, or expensive if desired, and pretty fast. But "all good things", as they say. If she has to go, I suppose a new life as an environment is not the worst thing. Ive only been on a few of these Ships....This one is a vague memory, except for my Grandmother leaving. I have a SHARP memory of her standing at the rail with water behind her, just before they cleared for departure.Docked in Philly, but due to leave Monday the 17th, February, (today if you're reading this today) towed to the gulf for sinking as an artificial reef. This is the third time such a venture has been scheduled for it. It has been unfortunate, seeing it just sitting there and rotting. I wish this majestic ship well.
Probably theres a better place for your refreshment.Yummy I’m very thirsty.
Lovely!!! It seems that both of them enjoy it!!!!
Wonderful!!! I want to taste both!!!!!
Thanks!!!All yours Seba
Sorry, it was a mistake
About this beautiful machine, when I was a kid my grandmother had one, I remember it was to heavy for me!!!