Two of Chincoteague's Finest....These guys aren't captives.....but they hang off the Parking Lot of Mickey D's in Chincoteague...Unfortunately, people feed them....That little footbridge in the bottom background goes over a bit of the wetlands where these guys actually live
Lets hope we don't see these again....I remember them from the late fifties....if that maniac RFKjr gets confirmed, and he likely will, no matter what Carolyn said....We'll be seeing them in all the old familiar places....
Sister Kenny was one of the First to see the value of Physical Therapy in Polio Cases, especially in the younger victims....She got little attention for quite some years, but eventually her ideas and methods were recognized...The movie dates to 1946
And this End is Sharing herself with a Waterfall....or the rocks just did something imposssssibllllle.....Red Bull isnt the only thing that gives you