Esteemed Citizen of ZV
Wonderful body!!!!!
Wonderful body!!!!!
How beautiful nature is. First, this tree was born and grew in soil that was aggressive to any living being. And after its death, nature left a masterpiece that reminds us how wonderful it is!!!!!!
May be is too much honey, but I'll try to clean all!!
Remembering Queen's song, "Friends will be friends"!!!!
Beautiful smile in a beauty!!!! I love her!!!!
Some fruit for the breakfast, is not to bad!!!
It isn't dead, yet. I think it is about 2000 years old. Bristlecone Pine.How beautiful nature is. First, this tree was born and grew in soil that was aggressive to any living being. And after its death, nature left a masterpiece that reminds us how wonderful it is!!!!!!
The one on the left is preening. I have seen this in real life and it is amazing to see how much they can crane their necks. Don't worry, @Emma Louise it hasn't lost it's head!