Beautiful body and intriguing and penetrating look!!!
As a slut just like you, I like that a lot.... more time than I want to admit to!!
Oh fetching...
"Relaxing" for some, sure. It isn't quite the right word for what it does to me.There's just something relaxing about it! lol
I...want...that...skirt. Badly!
Beautiful shot!
Oh yeah, keep dreaming!
Utterly beautiful, SB. Thank-you for sharing this!Blue, and his primary squeeze....I think she's called Emmy
View attachment 638735
Yes, there was a time when a lone female on a jury was not in a good position.And I thought we'd gotten away from this
View attachment 639049
Is it a Rockwell? If so, or even if not, I love it!View attachment 639055"Barbershop Quartet" September, 1936
Fascinating facts and an interesting shot!View attachment 639064Cave Rock at Lake Tahoe....The Native Folk hold the Cave to be a Sacred Place, so the CalTrans people put a road in UNDER it.
Yes'm signed bottom right, under the Basso's footIs it a Rockwell? If so, or even if not, I love it!
Croquets for ten-thousand, Garćon!Fascinating facts and an interesting shot!
"The sign said clearance to the 12 foot line, but them chickens were stacked to 13-nine."