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People turning into ghosts



I've had the worst luck with this. Ghosting is when someone you're talking to stops replying to your messages without warning. Everyone in my area seems to like doing this for some reason, lol. It really sucks.
Just a fact of online life...

Ya gotta learn to suck it up and move on, 'cause it's gonna happen over and over again - I ain't saying anything even a little bit like "it's a good thing", but it is reality. If you're going to spend your time dwelling on it, you're just going to end up going nowhere in a real big hurry. Same as the real-life fact that zoos are going to bury at least one lover - and depending on their preferred species, perhaps several of them - before they themselves "cash out". Not fun, but a reality that MUST be dealt with.

Why does it happen? Who knows? The other party chickened out? They caught a "funny smell" that scared them off you? They were fishing for something that you somehow said or implied you don't have, or can't/won't give them? They were a cop trying to set up a bust, but their sergeant said "Enough wasting time on that stupid shit, we've got dope dealers to collar"? Insert your personal favorite reason here _______ and it's as likely to be rght as anything I can dream up.
Just to expound on what the above poster stated, people ghost for many reasons. I personally ghost on people if I begin to get the feeling we are going to be talking endlessly. Endless chat is detected by consistent, repetitive, General greetings and procrastinating statements like "if only", "I'd like", or "it would be nice". When I start to see these things too frequently, I ghost.
Additionally, if someone seems too pushy or insists on me sharing a photo album of personal content or videos, I ghost. I cannot speak for everyone, but for me, attempting to meet up with someone is a calculated dance. You cannot move too fast and you cannot move too slow. Life happens, but if every attempt to meet up is abandoned due to some new Calamity every time, I'm also going to get my spooky sheet out.
Like the above poster said, sometimes it's also the things you say or the way you say them. If you say you have dog or whatever and you keep referring to the dog in the past tense or you never seem to be able to present a photograph of the dog or some other fuckary like that, people will also vey quickly, get their spooky sheet out.
In the Beast community, patience and disappointment is the name of the game. You may have to embrace getting a little adventurous. I live in Upstate New York but I have traveled to Connecticut, Maine, and New Hampshire to meet people. All of those places might sound far away, but generally I have business out there anyway so it's not a stretch. If you are unopposed to a little bit of travel, there is no reason to not look Beyond your local area for someone who is willing to follow through. Sometimes the inconvenience of travel is worth the follow-through and usually the friend you gain in doing so. Don't get frustrated, hang in there!
Yea unfortunately it happens I've had it happen a couple of times here on the old zv but that's online for ya hard to talk to most but the ones that do actually talk are cool
Ngl I do ghost some guys near me, but it's only if they're really annoying or demanding when they message me. Like I'll tolerate it for a while, but if they don't have anything to offer and they're not very attractive, I just hit the block button
I get ghosted every now n then. It is a shame if the person is actually interesting to chat with. But i dont care, i am guilty of ghosting too. Sometimes i just get real busy with real life and dont get to reply.
You may never know for sure why you were ghosted... Unfortunately, there’s no magic or proven formula to understand this phenomenon.
So, the only thing I can say is try to move on as quickly and completely as you can...Try to find a new distraction and stay focused on your
own happiness and future...
Sometimes I wonder - is it because of me? Maybe I did something wrong... Because of ghosting I don't feel very confident. It happens so often.
I once met a guy who was into zoo but he went silent after few days. Sometimes I wonder what happened. Maybe it was not a good decision to open myself co quickly. So many question but no answers...
Rough choice to ghost, sometimes its as simple as they got busy and eventually sorta forgot about things (main reason for me), others its a matter of being spooked or they realize you have nothing to actually offer them. All in all I just have to say, just keep being yourself, thats what you are (for the most part) here for anyways, am I right?
I've ghosted people before for several reasons. Most recent was a guy who I asked not to refer to me a certain way yet they continued to refer to me that way. I've . done it to people who are way too pushy or give off bad juju in general.
I have done ghosting both intently and unintentionally. Unintentionally I just get boggled down with life and lose touch, then when I try to regain contact they have changed their contact info. The few who i intently ghost are just plan negative or creeps that i don't need to waist my time and energy on.
For me, I have ghosted people online and in real life. I have even been accused of doing it to people I was working with and sat next to everyday in the office. Sometimes it is because I was busy but a lot had to do with stress and depression. I just could not put forth the energy needed to sustain that kind of relationship. I wanted too and hated myself for not being able too, but such is life.

When I get ghosted I assume there is something bad going on in their lives and pray that whatever it is ends they are in a better place. I know online people do not often come back, if they do great, if not I do not expect it so I am not hurt.

Never blame yourself though! Everyone is awesome in their own way and if you got ghosted (as long as you were not being an ass or creep) know it was them and not you. :)
Wanting to make friends in tristate area. Anyone ever having fun around here?
tristate area? BOOM, ghosted...
lol jk.

yea it happens quite a bit, i honestly have nothing to offer but friendship but most people that do come in contact expect something to share and when you let them know, thats it. done. as someone that is has issues with making friends in real life because of social awkwardness, online is the best way to be able to open up and sometimes help fight any waves of depression that might hit. sometimes we chat now for the sexual nature of things but because we just feel alone and would like someone to chat with, about anything really.
so if you get ghosted, dont blame yourself and dont look too deep into it. just keep on truckin'
I've had the worst luck with this. Ghosting is when someone you're talking to stops replying to your messages without warning. Everyone in my area seems to like doing this for some reason, lol. It really sucks.
I just keep on rolling. If everyone I ever talked to wanted to stay attached to me and spent most of their time talking to me, I would never have time for meeting new people. I talk to friendly people for a while, and most of the time, I am grateful that our paths peacefully crossed for a little while. In only rare cases do I add someone new to my regular acquaintance: otherwise, I would have to hire a manager and force them to set up appointments, and that is not very friendly. I only really have time for a few.
tristate area? BOOM, ghosted...
lol jk.

yea it happens quite a bit, i honestly have nothing to offer but friendship but most people that do come in contact expect something to share and when you let them know, thats it. done. as someone that is has issues with making friends in real life because of social awkwardness, online is the best way to be able to open up and sometimes help fight any waves of depression that might hit. sometimes we chat now for the sexual nature of things but because we just feel alone and would like someone to chat with, about anything really.
so if you get ghosted, dont blame yourself and dont look too deep into it. just keep on truckin'

Hi everyone in Zooville-
I’ve enjoyed reading stories on here and seeing some of the vids posted. Hoping to find some friendships. On and offline.

Oh I def won’t hold grudges. But someone needs to be teaching the newcomers...haha. Can’t be a closed off way of life otherwise it dies off. I’m looking to learn more about this lifestyle and looking for on the dl training haha. 32 M/CD in CT, NY, NJ.
Hi everyone in Zooville-
I’ve enjoyed reading stories on here and seeing some of the vids posted. Hoping to find some friendships. On and offline.

Oh I def won’t hold grudges. But someone needs to be teaching the newcomers...haha. Can’t be a closed off way of life otherwise it dies off. I’m looking to learn more about this lifestyle and looking for on the dl training haha. 32 M/CD in CT, NY, NJ.

well, welcome to the forums and feel free to look through the material here. there is very help stuff in the forum as far as facts and also from other people's experiences and opinions to be able to form an opinion of your own as well. so just stick around, theres good stuff here