Does anyone else ever hear other people talking about beastiality, (maybe something they've seen online) in a disgusted tone, and find themselves also pretending to be disgusted whilst secretly being really turned on?
A lot of people pretend to be disgusted, when their brain and private parts are tingling with hot thoughts of it, thoughts they'll never let out. Oh well, their loss.Does anyone else ever hear other people talking about beastiality, (maybe something they've seen online) in a disgusted tone, and find themselves also pretending to be disgusted whilst secretly being really turned on?
I've heard other non-zoo people talk bad about bestiality. But I didn't pretend to be disgusted, I just kept out of the discussion that one time. I wouldn't have pretended to be disgusted either, if someone had dragged me into the discussion. People choosing to go with the flow – even if the flow is wrong – is a big factor why evil manages to take over in this world sometimes.Does anyone else ever hear other people talking about beastiality, (maybe something they've seen online) in a disgusted tone, and find themselves also pretending to be disgusted whilst secretly being really turned on?