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Ovariectomized Mare Behavior

I’ll start with the backstory. My mare and stallion have lived together for about five years. Shortly after I got him I had a chance to get her ovariectomized which would allow them to live together since I have no interest in her having any foals. Originally I was going to get him a vasectomy but this opportunity came up instead.

When they were first together afterwards she was insatiable. I had to separate them because she wouldn’t leave him alone and developed some swelling on the top of her vulva. After a few weeks I tried again and she was much more reasonable. She still allowed him to cover her but only a few times a day. Eventually the frequency decreased and she would really only let him hop on if I was nearby. Otherwise she would tease a bit but walk away when he was ready and trying to mount.

After a few months of that she wasn’t really teasing him anymore unless I had a halter on her. My stallion fully understands what a mare with a halter on means and would start teasing her if I let him. She didn’t make a fuss and teased like normal allowing him to breed her. However, she eventually started getting hard to catch. Once I had her she would allow him to tease and mount but with less enthusiasm than before and obviously wasn’t into the whole thing since she would walk away when I came with the halter. I told studly that he had to stop harassing her every time she had a halter on and no more in hand breeding.

That pretty much ended their sex life for a few years outside the very rare occasion she would start teasing while I was doing something with her in hand and he was nearby.

This year though she has apparently been allowing some breeding all on her own in the field according to the person whose property they live on. She also decided to push her way out of the gate while I was taking him out to roam around the property and talk to all the other horses which he enjoys very much. Usually she doesn’t get to come out because she causes all kinds of trouble kicking and generally being unruly with the other horses.

When I brought him over to get her and escort her back to the pasture she came over immediately teasing him intensely. He was on top of her quickly and then they stood around eating grass and causing no trouble for a half hour or so before round two. After that she followed us back to the pasture and life went on as normal but she was still teasing him and allowing him to breed her occasionally in the evenings apparently.

I’ve had them out a few times since then. She will eventually go over and start teasing for him. She will be totally into it but gets strange when he goes to mount. She will walk away and sometimes kick him when he starts to mount. This is despite his very careful teasing and lots of good stallion work getting her ready. Eventually she lets him have a go but I can tell she isn’t as enthusiastic as the first time and sometimes he just gives up because eating grass is better than getting kicked.

I am wondering if anyone else has experience with ovariectomized mares or behavior like this. I find it very strange that she is conditionally a 0/5 or a 4/5. I have done lots of reading and many women report painful intercourse after having their ovaries removed. My mare certainly appears to enjoy sex in the moment and she is choosing to solicit it from him but only when outside their pasture. Perhaps there are some women here who could share some insight into the loss of sex hormones or others who have had ovariectomized mares.

I know I could get her some Estradiol but its prescription only and people think I’m crazy enough without adding that into the mix. I might try to get some and start at a super low dose so they don’t go all high school prom night again but I’m very interested to hear other’s experiences.

Thank you for attending my TED X-rated talk.