Speaking of customization, it's mentioned on the site but I'll mention here too, you also need to buy your choice of tongue(s) separately:
So, if you've never experienced J-lube/K-lube, the best way to describe it is sterile synthetic mucus. The viscosity is completely customizable depending on powder-to-water ratio and ranges from "unusually-slippery water" to "sticky mass of jello" and everything in between. Two bottles are $50 from Weredog but they will last over a year at the rate I use it; I usually mix maybe... something like a teaspoon per cup, though I've never actually measured it, kinda just refined the amount I add through trial and error. If and when you get it for the first time, whatever you do, do not add a large amount of powder; you can always dilute it some more but you would absolutely initially create pretty much a giant booger. xD
Though, uh, to answer your question directly: yes, absolutely. It's really stringy and clingy and slick, and if will make webs/membranes just as much as strings depending on the viscosity. I do recommend adding some preservative if you mix a batch to use slowly; a mason jar full of it can potentially last weeks, but it can go bad in that time. I just add a few drops of phenoxyethanol from Amazon, though only in lube for use with penetrable toys/external use; it makes the lube a bit too irritating for any buttstuff/internal use. For that I just quickly mix up some pure lube+water, as much as I think I'll use for that session.
...holy crap, I went and wrote a book again, how did that happen?