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On Death and Dying...


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
Most living beings have a 'natural fear' of the unknown. It seems we humans, with our supposed 'higher intellect' are unusually apprehensive so we invent 'realities' to help ally our fears. From what I'm able to understand of other animals (and yes we humans are animals by the scientific definition despite our delusions to the contrary) they relate to both life and death on a less fettered level.

Now that I am elderly and have health issues I am well aware that the number of days that lay in front of me are far outnumbered by my days past. Since my childhood/teens I have attempted to follow a 'spiritual path' seeking commonality, knowledge and wisdom from humanity's various belief systems while ascribing to none. Spiritual agnosticism would best describe my belief system.

Although I've had direct experiences that there is something more that this life is a small part of I am still apprehensive regarding what lies beyond the veil of death. I'm relatively certain though that it's not the anthropocentric existence that is purported by most of the religious belief systems. There is however an interconnectedness within the infinite that is uniquely expressed by the unique integer in the formula for infinity and that is the ONE...

"Within the infinite no living being is ever duplicated. The mathematical representation for infinity is any number, imaginary or real, plus 1. It is that ONE attribute that, in spite of every other similarity, makes EVERY living being absolutely precious and unique. To grasp this concept leaves one with a sense of awe as well as humility yet the large majority of humankind struggles with even acknowledging such..."


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Very well put I'm hoping that in the end we will be reunited with the ones we once loved. If not that then I really hope i just sease to exist and my energy rejoins that of the ever expanding universe. I have reasons to believe that an afterlife does exist. I've seen ghosts and something has been answering my prayers in ways that seem too much of a coincidence to actually be one.
I appreciate your post and you have elegantly captured what I suspect many of us feel regarding death and the "what comes next" question. While I certainly don't have the answers and frankly don't believe that anyone does for certain, I do appreciate the perspective and though-provoking post.
A topic that has been troubling the minds of humanity for thousands of years.

I am inclined to think that dying is neither scary nor painful. That is, people tend to "classify" death by "pleasantness", like in bed from old age in your own home or from illness or from being run over by a truck.
But the main mistake is that these are all the causes and circumstances of death, and not the dying process itself. And one should be afraid of and avoid the causes, and not death itself.
Regarding what is on the other side, I am inclined to think that there is simply emptiness there.
That is, life itself is energy and the process of its release, and at the moment of death your energy simply dissolves in the flows of the universe if we are talking about something like the soul, and if about the body, then over time it will also become energy for the environment - flora and fauna, which will absorb useful substances from your body and again convert them into energy.
Therefore, it is logical to think that everything around is just an endless cycle of energy exchange in its endless flow. And we are simply its temporary carriers/users.

P.S. But of course I like theories about reincarnation and multiverses more if we are talking about fantasy and self-soothing.
A topic that has been troubling the minds of humanity for thousands of years.

I am inclined to think that dying is neither scary nor painful. That is, people tend to "classify" death by "pleasantness", like in bed from old age in your own home or from illness or from being run over by a truck.
But the main mistake is that these are all the causes and circumstances of death, and not the dying process itself. And one should be afraid of and avoid the causes, and not death itself.
Regarding what is on the other side, I am inclined to think that there is simply emptiness there.
That is, life itself is energy and the process of its release, and at the moment of death your energy simply dissolves in the flows of the universe if we are talking about something like the soul, and if about the body, then over time it will also become energy for the environment - flora and fauna, which will absorb useful substances from your body and again convert them into energy.
Therefore, it is logical to think that everything around is just an endless cycle of energy exchange in its endless flow. And we are simply its temporary carriers/users.

P.S. But of course I like theories about reincarnation and multiverses more if we are talking about fantasy and self-soothing.
An interesting response to my post, thank you! I can't say that I 'love' it as some of what you say depresses and disquiets me based on what I have learned...
An interesting response to my post, thank you! I can't say that I 'love' it as some of what you say depresses and disquiets me based on what I have learned...
This maybe (which i really hope not) 'insensitive' (considering the dark yet natural topic relating to someone dying) but ill just say... the Gospel of Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and all we need to do is profess faith to him and have a strong faith in our hearts to believe this and accept the Holy Spirit into our lives. He rose from the dead 3 days and is our Lord and Savior.

If you are having a difficult time i do hope that you will find hope in a afterlife with this faith in your heart. (yes im aware of your view of being skeptical since you believe in universal spiritualism and will respect it.) Yes i know i am a zoo individual because deep down we are all sinners one time or another. as my identity that won't change as the Lord knows our intents/hearts of us if they are pure or whatnot.

all Jesus asked is mainly 'if you love me you keep to my commandments' which is the 10 commandments.

i do hope i only say this because i care for you and others who feel touched by this message. And hey... worst case scenario i get thrown in the 'soul' furnace as well despite me doing my personal best to keeping the faith as possible. But i do feel its the right thing to tell you and whoever needs to see (or hear? if you are auditory preferred)

If you still feel skeptical still try to look at the new Testament of who Jesus is as a person who is still God in human form. That is how i came to connect with the bible... at first there is 'fear' of doing something wrong but after that you know how much grace he offers beyond that is so much than what us sinners deserve (again you are a universal spiritualist... just give this a look and read it. not from a personal view but instead a Father's view on humanity).

personal opinion here beyond my take: maintain love and minimize sin. thats how i live currently since this kind of understanding shows me there is sin in life to where it bothers you internally (hence the commandments Jesus asked). You would repent the past/present and if any in the future to make a change for the better.

love your neighbor... forgive your enemies.... hold no grudge Roman's 12:19 scripture gives proper character of behavior. BUT AGAIN, i do my best internally to be the best person i can be and follow in whatever my heart is throwing me towards thats where i would feel most likely God is throwing me towards.
I've seen heaven ... It's a place of warmth, the bluest clearest skies, the greenest grass ... A river seperated me from my friends who had passed. They waved to me so happily from the other to come over, but I couldn't because of the river.

Years later a medium who gained her powers from her dying then coming back saw the same thing as I did.

Have no fear, live your best life, have no regrets or as little as you can, pleasure others as yourself, love as much as you can ... There is only happiness and joy on the other side. Take Care 👍
I not fear death itself. It's unavoidable, and the time comes, regardless.
The circumstances of dying however are something I don't look forward to. Alot of them suck, and are long and painful.

Death itself is just awfull for everyone else left behind. The one who dies is at peace.

I don't belive in an afterlife. It will all fade out, and the moment you are totaly gone, you will open your eyes again as one lifeforms somewhere in oure universe without any connection to your former life... Because there is none.
I mean, we all pilot oure meatmecha from oure point of view without any recollection what once was. Because there is no connection.
@Reconscope I appreciate you sharing your testimony, thank you. I am familiar with the canonized scriptures which includes an understanding of their history (how they came to be). I believe in the Master Jesus' teachings as well as other 'prophets' and 'teachers'. Rather than enter a lengthy debate on how I 'see' Jesus and Christianity at large I encourage you to continue to follow what you have come to believe. FWIW, my two favorite books are the Old Testament's Ecclesiastes and the New Testament's 1 Corinthians. Saul of Tarsus (The Apostle Paul) is an interesting individual. I appreciate and can relate to his 'conversion' from a persecutor of the 'believers' into a passionate advocate for Jesus...

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I have no faith left in any god. I at this point don't care to know what is on the other side for I truly don't know and that itself allows me to continue. I have had my heart stop. I saw my body as I rose from it and I touched the light of pure love and was brought back. For some this would be proof enough but for my rational mind it's not. It could be the last release of chemicals flooding the brain and firing the neurons to produce hallucinations of my very active imagination.
There could be everything after we die or nothing we could fade into nonexistence.
Of all the ones I have loved there is one that I would look for when I pass and if they are not there then I am content to just not exist at all.
So for me death is comforting, either there will be an after and I will be reunited or nothing and it will stop all the hurt and loss and longing. Both are peaceful to me. So I keep going till then and hope I make life better for some and I know I have and that is enough. I don't need to know because both options are freedom, in both I am made whole.
If there is any chance, I wish to die without bothering anyone, giving pressure to no one and leave this place guiltfree to everybody.

Also: have a beer on my death and party, for I sure as hell don't want people to frown my next journey!

It can't be the end...