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Old timer but new to the forum


Hey everyone, nice to meet you. I'm new here, but definitely not new to the scene. I started reading alt.sex.bestiality back in the early 1990s on Usenet, spent some time hanging out with other furries in the SPASTIC club on FurryMUCK, and used to haunt the Internet Talkers like Sleepy's Multiple Worlds and The Forest. If any of you remember those days, god I'd love to hear from you, it's been forever. Who knows, some of you probably know me already under a different name.

These days I live in Washington State, USA, in a small town not too far from Seattle. That's as specific as I'll get in public.

Anyway, yeah, it should go without saying that I'm deeply in the closet here. I used to be pretty active, but in those days you could be anonymous on the Internet without even trying. Now, with anti-zoo atmosphere out there I just don't feel safe any more, so I have kept this a secret to everyone, even my closest friends, for probably close to 20 years now.

But I miss chatting with other zoos. I'm sorry I've kept away so long. Looking forward to reading the forum!
Welcome after 10 post you will get messages and groups the search button is very useful, cheers from Australia