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Official Zoophilia study by Michael Bailey.

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Staff member
I've confirmed and emailed with the researcher J. Michael Bailey of Northwestern University. (using his official University .edu email)

He is planning a study of a limited number of zoophiles and has submitted a letter of intent to be posted publicly.

The survey is in my hands ready to give out to the participants.

The applications are now closed. However I been keeping this portion of information in reserve about the remaining Zooville members.

Phase 1: The survey will be distributed to the survey group first for the next month.

Phase 2: The survey will then be opened up to the general ZV userbase for all to take.

This way the phase 1 group will be a control and if there is any trolls trolling the survey, there will still be the base data set from the screened group.

Thank you all.



If you wish to participate in this survey, please click for an invitation to this group. I will curate based on your post history and if your a content creator, your more likely to be approved.

-Since i'm being swarmed with requests, if there is a special reason like previous zoo activism, zoo twitter activist, or content creator please send me a PM about it ontop of your group request. This is meant to point out your profile better as i have to scan all your posts quickly, if you sent me a PM with the key ones in detail, that would help me alot.

I'd like to add that I'm looking for posts that prove that a user has had a zoo-sexual experience in the past and mostly current tense. Since i curate so many posts, I can generally tell if a user has been active or currently active (preferred).


Update #1 - He has attached his cirriculum vitea and recent research into the furry fandom. I'm attaching both below.

Update #2 - As of 5/2/2020, The questionnaire is being re-worked to increase precision and this could delay it by several weeks. However screenings will continue meantime. Plz apply. :)

JPEG of letter for Zooville.jpg


  • Hsu&Bailey2019 (1).pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 432
  • vitaeJMBMarch20 (1).docx
    33.4 KB · Views: 255
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Yes he can conclude his research paper by saying " zoophiles are bunch of sick people who need medical help or it's another form of mental behavior" ?
Stay away dear members of zooville ,he is another jackass researcher who is going to defame us.
thats good and all but is his presence here a good thing? (i hope it is btw) im confused i havent seen this before. or is he just collecting info?
In situations like these it is best to use your common sense if you choose to participate - don't give away any kind of information that could be traced to who you are in real life and if you feel uncomfortable, feel like something is off or like you're being phished, BAIL OUT.
Yes he can conclude his research paper by saying " zoophiles are bunch of sick people who need medical help or it's another form of mental behavior" ?
Stay away dear members of zooville ,he is another jackass researcher who is going to defame us.
Can you really say that without knowing what's going to happen?

@ZTHorse, I'm curious, what kind of research is being done anyway? Will these results be available publicly? What is being done to ensure the anonymity of any participants?
Can you really say that without knowing what's going to happen?
Because in the past I have read few such researchers. They are all same . In the end they always conclude zoophiles as abnormal people or link it with another form of mental illness.
At worst he can be undercover agent trying to collect info or unmask us.
Because in the past I have read few such researchers. They are all same . In the end they always conclude zoophiles as abnormal people or link it with another form of mental illness.
At worst he can be undercover agent trying to collect info or unmask us.
That's why I said use common sense. If someone is trying to collect your location, age, race, or things like that, you should always have the option to decline that. If the option is not there to refuse providing any kind of information you don't want out there, then like I said, bail out.
If he does contact you, reply in a respectful, professional way. Talking about what animals your attracted too would be good. But I wouldn't tell him "dog pussy is tighter than goat" or " I've came in a male dogs ass" leave those details out. Instead say "ive had intercourse with horses and dogs since I was (insert age) when i was starting to be sexually curious" this might be helpful. Look at his wiki page. On the other hand part of me says we missed our chance with the gay pride movement. There should be a "Z" at the end of LGBTQ IMO
I guess it would help if we knew how the research was going to be used, I don’t mean to sound cynical but I just wouldn’t want it to be used in a negative manner and affect the zoophilia community in a bad way! Hopefully it’s just to gain more understanding anyway ☺
On the other hand part of me says we missed our chance with the gay pride movement. There should be a "Z" at the end of LGBTQ IMO
Nope it would have made the fight exponentially harder without the manpower to carry the additional burden.
I emailed directly to michael .edu email and recieved a reply confirming such a study and also requested a letterhead from the university and his signature.

Emailing with him, i believe he has good intentions. I will be attaching more documentation soon he sent me about furry research and about the survey program.

The reason im screening is to seperate fake accounts or inactive zoos. Active zoos with post history will be better canidates for sampling than zoos whom were never active or lurkers.
This Michael Bailey guy is infamously known for strapping a dildo onto a reciprocating saw and showcasing it's effects on a female volunteer in a live demonstration in a classroom.
Not to mention this guy has created a lot of beef in the LGBTQ community based on his "observations".
Just do a Google search on him.
Why are people going to be selected based on content creation, or being active in pro- zoo activism? Those two categories are an extreme minority within these communities, and definitely does not represent the majority of people who have this interest. This seems like gatekeeping to me.
Purity test by the site, they wanna make sure the folks involved are towing the line.
Hopefully it’s used for something positive I won’t give anything personal but if it helps the community then I’m in
Unfortunately, I doubt it is used for anything more than to help make a name for himself or further his agenda on finding the root cause for "deviant" behaviors. If the guy is not a zoo himself, why on Earth would he be motivated to help those of us who are? We as a group are generally not looked upon favorably by others and I've yet to come across any "zoo allies" - those that support our lifestyle but don't practice it. The only result from such an objective survey is to further reinforce preconceived perceptions non zoos have about us.
Purity test by the site, they wanna make sure the folks involved are towing the line.

Yes, but there are ways to carry out a “purity test“ without prioritizing people who are an extreme minority within the “community”. Prioritizing people with certain viewpoints skews the results with a forced bias. The vast majority of like-minded people I know, or have gotten to know, DO NOT produce material, and DO NOT advocate for pro zoo bullshit.
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