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Non-zoo living with Zoo partner scenario w/questions

This scenario comes from a friend of a friend who wants to remain anonymous and offline with this topic. This straight couple is in a long term relationship.

Scenario: The husband and wife both like dogs. The companionship, the loyalty, the playfulness, and everything else about dogs and having a dog. The husband is a zoo and the wife is not. So, while the husband cares for animals just as much as she does, he also cares about having a deeper relationship with the dog if the dog consensually allows it.

The wife knows the husband is a zoo, but doesn’t want to know about any zoo “activities” the husband gets involved in. Their relationship is very strong and she understands that even if he was to get involved in any activities, that he would keep the dogs best interests in mind before his own. He is confident that even if the wife did find out, that she wouldn’t divorce him as she has voiced this to him before.

They currently don’t have a dog, but both grew up around dogs so they have experience owning them. The husband has only had some light zoo encounters where only touching was involved, but the dog invited it. He does have quite a bit of zoo knowledge with what he’s read on here.

They’d both like to get a dog soon, but the wife wants to adopt. Unfortunately, all animal shelters that they know of spay/neuter before the adoption process. While they agree on getting either a pitbull or a staffordshire terrier (or a dog of similar size), the wife doesn’t want to deal with the bleeding of the female if she isn’t spayed and the aggression from the male if he isn’t neutered. The wife also is concerned with the dog getting cancers that are commonly talked about when keeping a dog intact. However, the wife has shown interest in letting the husband get an intact dog further in the future, but for now wants to adopt.

Given the above info, the husbands questions for you all are:

1- When/if the wife agrees on getting an intact male or female dog (he has interest in both), which sex would be easier to manage in terms of general care after an intimate relationship is formed with them? Taking into account dominance, sexual needs, time needed for intimate play, external factors that are affected considering he/she is now the husbands partner, etc.

2- After an intimate relationship is formed with a male or female dog, will the dog be protective of the husband and aggressive towards the wife and/or rest of the family? He’s read some posts on here that reflect the only time aggression becomes a problem is when another dog is around.

3- He’s seen on here that after being intimate with a female dog, the human semen can leak out of the female long after intimacy. This raises the risk of others finding out. What are some ways to prevent this “leakage”?

4- If a female dog has never been bred and has only been intimate with her human male companion, will she still show interest in male dogs or will she be hesitant because she’s never been with a male dog? (I told the husband it’s probable due to it being the same animal, but he wanted me to ask in the event the dog gets out of the house for whatever reason.)

5- where do you get an intact male or female dog? The only way he’s heard of is buying breeders rights with an extra fee on top of the dog purchase. This can sometimes be thousands of dollars. Is there another way?

These questions came up because he wants to remain as discreet as possible without his wife finding out. Obviously if this was an equine situation it would be a lot easier to keep concealed, but because they’re in the same house, he wanted me to help him get this info so he can know how to proceed the right way. Again, he’s open to both male and female dogs, but isn’t sure which would be the best to get for his living situation. He’s a very kind person and I believe his intentions to be truthful in that he simply wants to give a dog a loving home and a deeper relationship if the dog allows it.
1- An intact male dog does not suffer from cancer problems in its reproductive system, in fact, sterilized dogs end up suffering from urinary bladder problems with age.

2- Not necessarily if the owner is an expert in animal ethology and knows how to assert himself as the alpha of the family.

3- It doesn't matter, it doesn't usually flow out, its body assimilates it; worse are goats, which flow a natural mucus through their vaginas and can be very suspicious.

4- Yes, pheromones and heat are compatible with both species.

5- At least in my country there are still adoption websites for whole dogs and bitches donated for adoption.
1- An intact male dog does not suffer from cancer problems in its reproductive system, in fact, sterilized dogs end up suffering from urinary bladder problems with age.

2- Not necessarily if the owner is an expert in animal ethology and knows how to assert himself as the alpha of the family.

3- It doesn't matter, it doesn't usually flow out, its body assimilates it; worse are goats, which flow a natural mucus through their vaginas and can be very suspicious.

4- Yes, pheromones and heat are compatible with both species.

5- At least in my country there are still adoption websites for whole dogs and bitches donated for adoption.
Thank you for the comment. Regarding question 5… What country are you in?
1. They both have their pros amd cons. I would say a male dog would be the easiest.

2. Not due to sex. Dogs are pack animals so they will tend to naturally be drawn to the alpha of the pack. So the dog will likely prefer one over the other.

3. Yes in my experience it can leak out the next day even. I feel it depends on how much he cums. If he's a heavy cummer then there's more to deal with. To prevent it, the only way I know is pull out. It's usually not hard to keep an eye on and direct the dog away from eyes if he sees something. In my case if I see any leaking out I take her outside and wipe it off. She's usually pretty good about catching it though.

4. Yes she will still want a male dog. Especially in heat they will take anything that's interested.

5. Some smaller shelters will allow them to be adopted still intact. You might have to sign some paper or something. Another good way is to find someone re-homing their dog on groups on social media or even craigslist.

As long as sex is just 1 of many factors in their decision and not the main one they should be fine. This information is based on my own experience I'm not exactly an expert but I do have plenty of experience with both male and female dogs. If you have specific questions I can try to answer as best I can. Hope this helps
1. They both have their pros amd cons. I would say a male dog would be the easiest.

2. Not due to sex. Dogs are pack animals so they will tend to naturally be drawn to the alpha of the pack. So the dog will likely prefer one over the other.

3. Yes in my experience it can leak out the next day even. I feel it depends on how much he cums. If he's a heavy cummer then there's more to deal with. To prevent it, the only way I know is pull out. It's usually not hard to keep an eye on and direct the dog away from eyes if he sees something. In my case if I see any leaking out I take her outside and wipe it off. She's usually pretty good about catching it though.

4. Yes she will still want a male dog. Especially in heat they will take anything that's interested.

5. Some smaller shelters will allow them to be adopted still intact. You might have to sign some paper or something. Another good way is to find someone re-homing their dog on groups on social media or even craigslist.

As long as sex is just 1 of many factors in their decision and not the main one they should be fine. This information is based on my own experience I'm not exactly an expert but I do have plenty of experience with both male and female dogs. If you have specific questions I can try to answer as best I can. Hope this helps
This is great info. For question 2, if he was to get a male dog and be intimate with him, would that male dog try to be the Alpha in front of him and his wife out in public or around friends/family? Or even around his wife if it’s just the dog and his wife?

For question 5, he’s in the USA.

Also, would the size dog that he mentions (pitbull or staffy) be a good size male dog or is there a larger size that you’d recommend? I know someone else said giant breed for female dogs, but he’s not wanting to get a dog that big.
Does anyone know of any breeders in the USA or any pet shelters that would allow adoption/purchase for an intact male/female dog? I figure since we all have usernames, the referral would be completely anonymous.