Ive been a lurker for quite a bit now and I'm just unsure about how I feel about all this. I am underlyingly attracted to the idea of sex with animals but it ends at sexual desire. I have no desires in the companionship part of all this and I don't know if that makes me a bad person or not. I want a dog to get fucked by, not to treat as a companion, and I feel like that is an awful thing. I've been so insecure about women enjoying sex with dogs so much more than sex with humans, in every thread all I see is women saying dogs are vastly better at sex, yet despite that sense of jealousy I also want to have sex with dogs. Are these feelings common? Everytime I try and clense my head of these thoughts all I see are things that make me feel inadequate and boulster my fetish for male dogs at the same time. Am I a weird hipocrit? Everyone here seems so sure and secure in themselves about all this. I'm sorry if this ruins the tone of these boards, I simply have no where else to turn without being mocked or hated for these desires. I have no want to hurt or neglect dogs, I just can't feel that sense of romance/partnership so many here seem to feel. I worry all this is just me getting turned on by and feeling insecure about how other people find love and sex and a weird sense of wanting and hating all this at the same time. In short, am I a weird shitty person or is this normal?