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Need some help. I want my neighbor's dog to mount me


Hello there!
I'm a Young male and I really want him to Mount me.
I have no experience and no idea how to excite him enough to try it. Also tried it before, but I didn't get it, so I'm looking for some help and tips.
He love me like if a was his owner.
Sorry if I have a bad english, I'm not From USA or another country that speaks it
If he isn't your dog, you ought not teach him new tricks. You sound very young....you DO know you won't die if you don't get laid when you have a stiffy, Si?....Best to wait til you own your own Dog.....fewer worries, more benefits....like Companionship.
When you DO have a dog of your own, I am going to tell you what I tell everybody: go jogging with your dog, and dance with your dog. Play energetically with your dog. This is canine courtship. It's what they do instead of romantic dinners. Dogs play with each other extensively before they mate, and it involves a lot of teasing and running around. In my experience, I have never had any luck getting a dog to mount me without playing with the dog first.

For now, you can just play with the dog, and call it dating. It is not disrespectful to the owner to just play with the dog. It is the canine equivalent of a romantic dinner. This is appropriate for right now.

If you are as young as it sounds like you are, then finish school, get a very good job, preferably in either Finland or Germany if you can, and rent an apartment, close to a dog park, where you are allowed to own a dog. Live a very long and happy life. You will be fine.
I agree with the others on here. Since he Isn't your dog you shouldn't do that with him with out the owner permission. Now with that sayed there is nothing wrong in getting to know the dog and play with him with out him mating you. If you really want to mate with a dog you need to get your own this way your not teaching someone else's dog bad habits or a new trick as saddlebum66 put it.
Saddlebum said it, if it's not your dog don't teach it a new behavior.

A few years ago I was asked to take care of a dog for someone. This was a single lesbian with a large neutered male dog ... hmmm ... turned out he was not already trained to mount and I didn't train him. However, he was an excellent cock licker. You might explore that.

You still might not have good luck. In my experience, 50% of dogs are interested in some kind of oral sex. The rest just stand back and look at you.