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Need Help - Firsts Steps on Acquiring a Canine Companion


Firstly, I recently lost a beloved large reptile companion of five years (nonsexual). Still dealing with that grief and depression. She had bonded with me, trusted me, and I devoted myself to her care and giving her a happy life.

But for the future, I know I'll want a female dog companion that I can devote the same love towards (hopefully a sexual bond, as well). Need to first get a fence put in at our new house, so I've got time to plan on things. I do know that I'd like to come full circle to my favorite breed and first dog from childhood, a GSD.

My question is, where do you all get a dog that's intact? As much as I'd like to rescue from a pound, I know they're all fixed; plus I'd like to be there through her early years. Do I just check ads on Craigslist or the newspaper for puppies and hope for the best?