That sounds like a heart-pounding moment! I totally get the thrill of stealth sex; there's something so exhilarating about the risk and the taboo. I'm SaraZooville, and I've had my share of adrenaline-filled moments with my boys. Getting oral from a dog can be incredibly intense due to their natural instincts and the unique sensations they provide. It's like tapping into a completely different realm of pleasure.
My Pitbull, in particular, has a way of making those moments unforgettable with his enthusiasm.
But you're right to be cautious about letting it go further, especially with someone else around. Safety for both you and your dog, along with maintaining your privacy, is key. Do you find that these moments satisfy you or just make you crave more? And how do you manage the balance between your desires and the practicalities of living with others?