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my first time, I count on your help and support

Hello everyone, I wanted to share with you my first experience with a dog. I found this site this weekend, although I had already seen and read about it on other forums. I never got to talk to anyone about it, but now I'm determined to continue. I get really wet when I think about a dog's dick cumming in my pussy. However, since I'm a layman on the subject, I need help. I have a lot of doubts and questions to ask. Some members gave me some tips on how to do it the first time, considering my current situation. I'm 22 years old. I live with my parents and the only dog I know is a dog that lives in a building near my house. I always take him food at night, and today I'm going again. But this time I'm going to try to have sex with him. As I said here, I would wear a skirt, but today it's cold here. I'll see what I can do. Then maybe I'll just put on a cropped top over my dress. Now I'm at work on my lunch break, and I'll come back in the evening and describe what happened. I hope everything goes well. I count on your support, if you have any tips, please don't hesitate to send them.
Sexo com cães pode ser muito perigoso, ainda mais se tratando se animal de rua, as pessoas que vemos nos videos muitas vezes são experientes e geralmente postam o que deu certo para elas, o nó do cachorro varia de tamanho, obviamente que quanto maior o dog maior o nó, você ainda precisa de muita experiencia antes do seu primeiro nó, imagina uma bola de tênis presa dentro da sua vagina. Outro ponto é que você precisa de um lugar calmo e seguro para praticar, puxar o nó de uma vez pode te machucar muito e ao animal também, por isso escolha um local onde você saiba que não será incomodada. Recomendo que vá com calma, deixe primeiro ele te lamber, e se acostumar com seu cheiro, pode ser um processo demorado mas vai vale a pena, lembrando que nem todo dog é tarado e vai logo te montando, uma amiga levou muito tempo até seu dog resolver montar nela. nem sempre você irá conseguir segurar o nó dentro de você, quando conseguir espere ate que ele desinche para desmontar. Boa sorte!
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Sexo com cães pode ser muito perigoso, ainda mais se tratando se animal de rua, as pessoas que vemos nos videos muitas vezes são experientes e geralmente postam o que deu certo para elas, o nó do cachorro varia de tamanho, obviamente que quanto maior o dog maior o nó, você ainda precisa de muita experiencia antes do seu primeiro nó, imagina uma bola de tênis presa dentro da sua vagina. Outro ponto é que você precisa de um lugar calmo e seguro para praticar, puxar o nó de uma vez pode te machucar muito e ao animal também, por isso escolha um local onde você saiba que não será incomodada. Recomendo que vá com calma, deixe primeiro ele te lamber, e se acostumar com seu cheiro, pode ser um processo demorado mas vai vale a pena, lembrando que nem todo dog é tarado e vai logo te montando, uma amiga levou muito tempo até seu dog resolver montar nela. nem sempre você irá conseguir segurar o nó dentro de você, quando conseguir espere ate que ele desinche para desmontar. Boa sorte!
I wish I had read it sooner, I suffered yesterday. :cry:
Geez, I should have gotten more information, but I followed the advice here. In short, I managed to do what I wanted, but it didn't go as I thought.

When I got home, it was almost time to take the dog's food. I got ready, put on my knee-length dress, a pair of regular flip-flops, and a cropped top. I kept on wearing the same underwear I'd been wearing all day. (A tip from the website, because the dog will like the smell).

At 7:30 p.m., as I had already mentioned in the previous post, it was cold, so as usual I went to take food to this stray dog that lives in an abandoned building near my house.

When I got there, he came to find me, jumping on me, looking for the food bowl, smelling like a wet dog, and dirty. I almost gave up, but I was too excited so I didn't waste any time. I wanted it right away and I didn't have much time to stay there, because my parents would be worried soon.

I called him inside the house under construction, on the ground floor, this construction has been stopped for a long time, I looked for a room that didn't have any windows, I found a smaller one, where the bathroom should be, built with unpainted bricks, the floor was concrete, I left his food plate on top of a pile of bricks. I was already very excited, I lifted my dress and took off my panties, placing them on the floor, he immediately went to smell it, I ran my fingers over my pussy and put them in front of his nose, then he started to lick it, then I got closer to my pussy, which he immediately started to lick, I felt for the first time his rough tongue passing and wetting my entire pussy, I lifted my dress more and turned my back to him, I crouched down and grabbed his legs and put them on top of me, he started to move wanting to penetrate me, in this position I felt the stings of his cock on my thigh and manhood at the same time that he wet them, I think it was his semen, he wasn't able to get it right, so he wanted to get out, he got down and came to lick me again, I decided to get on all fours doggy style, I took off my flip-flops and put them below my knees so as not to hurt myself on the concrete, then after he licked me for a while, he tried to mount me again, this time I bent down more, almost Leaning my head against the floor, with my left hand I managed to grab his cock and push it into the entrance. As soon as the tip reached the entrance, he started to get rougher and started to thrust hard. I was afraid of the knot. I tried to hold it with my hand, but there was no way. He pumped it a few times and it started to swell inside me. I felt a lot of sharp pain. At that moment, I wanted to give up. I tried to pull it out, but it hurt a lot. So I pulled it deeper inside me and the pain eased a little at the entrance of my pussy. At the same time, I felt his squirts and his squirts inside me. I thought, how could this be? I didn't feel it with men. I felt him breathing close to the back of my neck. Despite the pain, it felt really good. Soon, he stopped. I looked at the clock. It was already 8:05 p.m. and I was right there with him. I needed to go home. I never took more than 30 minutes to get back. My parents would soon find it strange. I tried to get out of it, but the knot was too big for me. He is of average size. According to members of the forum, it is difficult for women to get stuck. That was not my case. My pussy is too small for him. About 10 minutes passed and he got off. Now I realized how big his dick was. Even though he had cum a lot, not much cum came out.

With my pussy still burning, I got up, put my slippers back on, put on my panties, and then picked up and put his food on the floor. I went back home. As I walked, a lot of liquid started to leak out of me. My panties got soaked. I didn't take a towel with me, and it ran down my legs. I was the fastest to get home. My mother was waiting for me at the door. She asked why I was taking so long. I said I couldn't find him and started looking around the house. I tried to hide my leg, ran to the bathroom and wiped myself with toilet paper, when I wiped it the first time it came out very wet and bloody...

(I'll attach a photo for you to see).

Should I worry about the blood or is it normal for the first time?

Is it normal, or could it have gotten into my cervix, because the cum didn't come out right away and kept running down afterwards? How long can semen stay inside the pussy?

Tomorrow I'll tell you the rest, I'm tired and sore...20240701_203534.jpg
Hello everyone, I wanted to share with you my first experience with a dog. I found this site this weekend, although I had already seen and read about it on other forums. I never got to talk to anyone about it, but now I'm determined to continue. I get really wet when I think about a dog's dick cumming in my pussy. However, since I'm a layman on the subject, I need help. I have a lot of doubts and questions to ask. Some members gave me some tips on how to do it the first time, considering my current situation. I'm 22 years old. I live with my parents and the only dog I know is a dog that lives in a building near my house. I always take him food at night, and today I'm going again. But this time I'm going to try to have sex with him. As I said here, I would wear a skirt, but today it's cold here. I'll see what I can do. Then maybe I'll just put on a cropped top over my dress. Now I'm at work on my lunch break, and I'll come back in the evening and describe what happened. I hope everything goes well. I count on your support, if you have any tips, please don't hesitate to send them.
Geez, I should have gotten more information, but I followed the advice here. In short, I managed to do what I wanted, but it didn't go as I thought.

When I got home, it was almost time to take the dog's food. I got ready, put on my knee-length dress, a pair of regular flip-flops, and a cropped top. I kept on wearing the same underwear I'd been wearing all day. (A tip from the website, because the dog will like the smell).

At 7:30 p.m., as I had already mentioned in the previous post, it was cold, so as usual I went to take food to this stray dog that lives in an abandoned building near my house.

When I got there, he came to find me, jumping on me, looking for the food bowl, smelling like a wet dog, and dirty. I almost gave up, but I was too excited so I didn't waste any time. I wanted it right away and I didn't have much time to stay there, because my parents would be worried soon.

I called him inside the house under construction, on the ground floor, this construction has been stopped for a long time, I looked for a room that didn't have any windows, I found a smaller one, where the bathroom should be, built with unpainted bricks, the floor was concrete, I left his food plate on top of a pile of bricks. I was already very excited, I lifted my dress and took off my panties, placing them on the floor, he immediately went to smell it, I ran my fingers over my pussy and put them in front of his nose, then he started to lick it, then I got closer to my pussy, which he immediately started to lick, I felt for the first time his rough tongue passing and wetting my entire pussy, I lifted my dress more and turned my back to him, I crouched down and grabbed his legs and put them on top of me, he started to move wanting to penetrate me, in this position I felt the stings of his cock on my thigh and manhood at the same time that he wet them, I think it was his semen, he wasn't able to get it right, so he wanted to get out, he got down and came to lick me again, I decided to get on all fours doggy style, I took off my flip-flops and put them below my knees so as not to hurt myself on the concrete, then after he licked me for a while, he tried to mount me again, this time I bent down more, almost Leaning my head against the floor, with my left hand I managed to grab his cock and push it into the entrance. As soon as the tip reached the entrance, he started to get rougher and started to thrust hard. I was afraid of the knot. I tried to hold it with my hand, but there was no way. He pumped it a few times and it started to swell inside me. I felt a lot of sharp pain. At that moment, I wanted to give up. I tried to pull it out, but it hurt a lot. So I pulled it deeper inside me and the pain eased a little at the entrance of my pussy. At the same time, I felt his squirts and his squirts inside me. I thought, how could this be? I didn't feel it with men. I felt him breathing close to the back of my neck. Despite the pain, it felt really good. Soon, he stopped. I looked at the clock. It was already 8:05 p.m. and I was right there with him. I needed to go home. I never took more than 30 minutes to get back. My parents would soon find it strange. I tried to get out of it, but the knot was too big for me. He is of average size. According to members of the forum, it is difficult for women to get stuck. That was not my case. My pussy is too small for him. About 10 minutes passed and he got off. Now I realized how big his dick was. Even though he had cum a lot, not much cum came out.

With my pussy still burning, I got up, put my slippers back on, put on my panties, and then picked up and put his food on the floor. I went back home. As I walked, a lot of liquid started to leak out of me. My panties got soaked. I didn't take a towel with me, and it ran down my legs. I was the fastest to get home. My mother was waiting for me at the door. She asked why I was taking so long. I said I couldn't find him and started looking around the house. I tried to hide my leg, ran to the bathroom and wiped myself with toilet paper, when I wiped it the first time it came out very wet and bloody...

(I'll attach a photo for you to see).

Should I worry about the blood or is it normal for the first time?

Is it normal, or could it have gotten into my cervix, because the cum didn't come out right away and kept running down afterwards? How long can semen stay inside the pussy?

Tomorrow I'll tell you the rest, I'm tired and sore...View attachment 578122
Não estou querendo te colocar medo nem nada do tipo, recentemente uma jovem morreu durante a relação sexual, o caso veio a mídia pois se tratava de um jogador de futebol, ela era virgem e o pênis dele era grande demais e acabou rompendo uma artéria, digo isso mais no sentido de você se cuidar, ok? Quanto aos sangramentos parece ser semelhante ao do rompimento do hímen, nada para se preocupar, claro se persistir por mais de 2-3 dias é recomendável que procure ajuda médica, a região da vagina é uma área muito sensível. Tenho uma amiga que iniciou há alguns anos, para se acostumar com o nó ela começou a fazer pompoarismo, foi treinando com umas bolinhas de silicone ate se acostumar, seria interessante para você tentar isso também. Como disse antes, é bom que você tenha tempo e local reservado, justamente para não acontecer o que ocorreu, essa minha amiga costumava segura o pênis do dog no início para não deixar o nó entrar, você pode tentar também. No mais, fico feliz que você não tenha se machucado seriamente e claro por você ter conseguido seu primeiro nó e aproveitado, continue compartilhando sua experiência, dessa forma poderemos estar te ajudando e sanando suas dúvidas.

Estimo melhoras e espero que você se sinta bem em breve para continuar suas aventuras!
Geez, I should have gotten more information, but I followed the advice here. In short, I managed to do what I wanted, but it didn't go as I thought.

When I got home, it was almost time to take the dog's food. I got ready, put on my knee-length dress, a pair of regular flip-flops, and a cropped top. I kept on wearing the same underwear I'd been wearing all day. (A tip from the website, because the dog will like the smell).

At 7:30 p.m., as I had already mentioned in the previous post, it was cold, so as usual I went to take food to this stray dog that lives in an abandoned building near my house.

When I got there, he came to find me, jumping on me, looking for the food bowl, smelling like a wet dog, and dirty. I almost gave up, but I was too excited so I didn't waste any time. I wanted it right away and I didn't have much time to stay there, because my parents would be worried soon.

I called him inside the house under construction, on the ground floor, this construction has been stopped for a long time, I looked for a room that didn't have any windows, I found a smaller one, where the bathroom should be, built with unpainted bricks, the floor was concrete, I left his food plate on top of a pile of bricks. I was already very excited, I lifted my dress and took off my panties, placing them on the floor, he immediately went to smell it, I ran my fingers over my pussy and put them in front of his nose, then he started to lick it, then I got closer to my pussy, which he immediately started to lick, I felt for the first time his rough tongue passing and wetting my entire pussy, I lifted my dress more and turned my back to him, I crouched down and grabbed his legs and put them on top of me, he started to move wanting to penetrate me, in this position I felt the stings of his cock on my thigh and manhood at the same time that he wet them, I think it was his semen, he wasn't able to get it right, so he wanted to get out, he got down and came to lick me again, I decided to get on all fours doggy style, I took off my flip-flops and put them below my knees so as not to hurt myself on the concrete, then after he licked me for a while, he tried to mount me again, this time I bent down more, almost Leaning my head against the floor, with my left hand I managed to grab his cock and push it into the entrance. As soon as the tip reached the entrance, he started to get rougher and started to thrust hard. I was afraid of the knot. I tried to hold it with my hand, but there was no way. He pumped it a few times and it started to swell inside me. I felt a lot of sharp pain. At that moment, I wanted to give up. I tried to pull it out, but it hurt a lot. So I pulled it deeper inside me and the pain eased a little at the entrance of my pussy. At the same time, I felt his squirts and his squirts inside me. I thought, how could this be? I didn't feel it with men. I felt him breathing close to the back of my neck. Despite the pain, it felt really good. Soon, he stopped. I looked at the clock. It was already 8:05 p.m. and I was right there with him. I needed to go home. I never took more than 30 minutes to get back. My parents would soon find it strange. I tried to get out of it, but the knot was too big for me. He is of average size. According to members of the forum, it is difficult for women to get stuck. That was not my case. My pussy is too small for him. About 10 minutes passed and he got off. Now I realized how big his dick was. Even though he had cum a lot, not much cum came out.

With my pussy still burning, I got up, put my slippers back on, put on my panties, and then picked up and put his food on the floor. I went back home. As I walked, a lot of liquid started to leak out of me. My panties got soaked. I didn't take a towel with me, and it ran down my legs. I was the fastest to get home. My mother was waiting for me at the door. She asked why I was taking so long. I said I couldn't find him and started looking around the house. I tried to hide my leg, ran to the bathroom and wiped myself with toilet paper, when I wiped it the first time it came out very wet and bloody...

(I'll attach a photo for you to see).

Should I worry about the blood or is it normal for the first time?

Is it normal, or could it have gotten into my cervix, because the cum didn't come out right away and kept running down afterwards? How long can semen stay inside the pussy?

Tomorrow I'll tell you the rest, I'm tired and sore...View attachment 578122
Outra coisa que esqueci de comentar, você faz sexo com frequência? o sangramento pode acontecer até com mulheres mais experientes, ficar muito tempo sem fazer sexo e depois fazer com um pênis/objeto grande pode causar pequenas fissuras, mas como disse acima, nada para se preocupar...
Não estou querendo te colocar medo nem nada do tipo, recentemente uma jovem morreu durante a relação sexual, o caso veio a mídia pois se tratava de um jogador de futebol, ela era virgem e o pênis dele era grande demais e acabou rompendo um aborto, digo isso mais no sentido de você se cuidar, ok? Quanto aos sangramentos parecem ser semelhantes ao rompimento do hímen, nada para se preocupar, claro que se persistir por mais de 2-3 dias é necessário que procure ajuda médica, a região da vagina é uma área muito sensível. Tenho uma amiga que começou há alguns anos, para se acostumar com o nó ela começou a fazer pompoarismo, foi treinando com umas bolinhas de silicone até se acostumar, seria interessante para você tentar isso também. Como disse antes, é bom que você tenha tempo e local reservado, porque para não acontecer o que aconteceu, essa minha amiga costumava segurar o pênis do cachorro no início para não deixar ou não entrar, você pode tentar também. Não mais, fico feliz que você não tenha se machucado legalmente e claro por você ter conseguido seu primeiro nó e aproveitado, continue compartilhando sua experiência, dessa forma poderemos estar te recompensando e sanando suas dúvidas.

Estima-se que você melhore e espero que você sinta bem em breve para continuar suas aventuras!
Thanks! It didn't last 1 day, the next morning the blood stopped coming out in large quantities.
Muito legal que tenha conseguido realizar sua fantasia, espero que esteja tudo bem. Só acho meio arriscado fazer isso com qualquer cão. Melhor tu adotar um e manter ele sempre saudável e seguir as dicas dos pessoal ai, principalmente das mulheres que já são experientes :)
Geez, I should have gotten more information, but I followed the advice here. In short, I managed to do what I wanted, but it didn't go as I thought.

When I got home, it was almost time to take the dog's food. I got ready, put on my knee-length dress, a pair of regular flip-flops, and a cropped top. I kept on wearing the same underwear I'd been wearing all day. (A tip from the website, because the dog will like the smell).

At 7:30 p.m., as I had already mentioned in the previous post, it was cold, so as usual I went to take food to this stray dog that lives in an abandoned building near my house.

When I got there, he came to find me, jumping on me, looking for the food bowl, smelling like a wet dog, and dirty. I almost gave up, but I was too excited so I didn't waste any time. I wanted it right away and I didn't have much time to stay there, because my parents would be worried soon.

I called him inside the house under construction, on the ground floor, this construction has been stopped for a long time, I looked for a room that didn't have any windows, I found a smaller one, where the bathroom should be, built with unpainted bricks, the floor was concrete, I left his food plate on top of a pile of bricks. I was already very excited, I lifted my dress and took off my panties, placing them on the floor, he immediately went to smell it, I ran my fingers over my pussy and put them in front of his nose, then he started to lick it, then I got closer to my pussy, which he immediately started to lick, I felt for the first time his rough tongue passing and wetting my entire pussy, I lifted my dress more and turned my back to him, I crouched down and grabbed his legs and put them on top of me, he started to move wanting to penetrate me, in this position I felt the stings of his cock on my thigh and manhood at the same time that he wet them, I think it was his semen, he wasn't able to get it right, so he wanted to get out, he got down and came to lick me again, I decided to get on all fours doggy style, I took off my flip-flops and put them below my knees so as not to hurt myself on the concrete, then after he licked me for a while, he tried to mount me again, this time I bent down more, almost Leaning my head against the floor, with my left hand I managed to grab his cock and push it into the entrance. As soon as the tip reached the entrance, he started to get rougher and started to thrust hard. I was afraid of the knot. I tried to hold it with my hand, but there was no way. He pumped it a few times and it started to swell inside me. I felt a lot of sharp pain. At that moment, I wanted to give up. I tried to pull it out, but it hurt a lot. So I pulled it deeper inside me and the pain eased a little at the entrance of my pussy. At the same time, I felt his squirts and his squirts inside me. I thought, how could this be? I didn't feel it with men. I felt him breathing close to the back of my neck. Despite the pain, it felt really good. Soon, he stopped. I looked at the clock. It was already 8:05 p.m. and I was right there with him. I needed to go home. I never took more than 30 minutes to get back. My parents would soon find it strange. I tried to get out of it, but the knot was too big for me. He is of average size. According to members of the forum, it is difficult for women to get stuck. That was not my case. My pussy is too small for him. About 10 minutes passed and he got off. Now I realized how big his dick was. Even though he had cum a lot, not much cum came out.

With my pussy still burning, I got up, put my slippers back on, put on my panties, and then picked up and put his food on the floor. I went back home. As I walked, a lot of liquid started to leak out of me. My panties got soaked. I didn't take a towel with me, and it ran down my legs. I was the fastest to get home. My mother was waiting for me at the door. She asked why I was taking so long. I said I couldn't find him and started looking around the house. I tried to hide my leg, ran to the bathroom and wiped myself with toilet paper, when I wiped it the first time it came out very wet and bloody...

(I'll attach a photo for you to see).

Should I worry about the blood or is it normal for the first time?

Is it normal, or could it have gotten into my cervix, because the cum didn't come out right away and kept running down afterwards? How long can semen stay inside the pussy?

Tomorrow I'll tell you the rest, I'm tired and sore...View attachment 578122
I'm sorry your 1st test drive was a bit rough. I hope it doesn't turn you off from trying again in the future. Did you have any pleasure during the 10 minutes you were tied together?
I don't know when I'll try again, I see him every day, he wants to climb on me, but I didn't have the courage again. Look, I liked it, but I couldn't enjoy it with him
If you don’t think you would enjoy being with him then honestly you shouldn’t do it. Maybe now is not the right time or situation for this to be right for you. Don’t push yourself and certainly don’t do anything you aren’t completely comfortable doing.