Take in mistreated and malnourished animals, and instead of focusing on repairing the physical and mental damage done to the by their former situation; immediately have sex with them and film it. *shakes head in disgust*
I don't think so. After I was able to watch the videos (still in factory, tho.. not as easy) it did not look like those stray dogs were recently taken into shelter before he recorded the videos.
They actually react with signs showing that they feel safe and positively interested. Yes, in the videos it's clearly to recognize how thin the Akita Inu is, but those dogs don't resemble any taken into shelter stray dogs I've met so far shortly after arrival.
It takes often weeks to months to get as interested and positive responses from the dogs after what they experienced on the streets (and this country is actually very humane to dogs, not sure about his country - if the dogs experienced even worse handling on the streets it might take even longer until they trust someone).
For me it does not look like he cares only for the sexual aspects. It's somewhat normal to not upload videos of a shelter station feeding and caring for the dogs on a zoophile media subcategory.
Regarding the underfed aspect: I would love to see a video of that dog in 2-3 months,
@kriyanshazaryah , after you've taken care of her food and health regarded needs for a longer time. Nothing sexual needed. You can easily prove your good intent by showing how those dog(s) develop in the following months.
Thank you for caring about them, as long as it ain't purely for sexual advances.