Rhythmic or non-rhythmic contractions and pulsations are not 100% the same as a female dog orgasm. These movements have a fundamentally different biological role, not an 100% orgasm-o-meter.
In addition, the number of times it is done and for how long and when varies from dog to dog. Some of them stop after a short time, others do it for a minute or two.
From the facial expression and the relaxation of the leg and body muscles, it can be better determined when there is a state close to orgasm.
When she starting pulsating, I usually stop sex and let her play the piano with her muscles on my penis.
There is another squeeze that they usually do, this is after ejaculation when they feel the cum in their vagina, then there is a good chance that they squeeze, they also squeeze at the edge of the torch and also at the base of the penis. Partial knotting can be caused by this compression and friction. In any case, it is worth doing this (unless it is a Pro Max zoomie dog) because it also prolongs the man orgasm and it is much more natural for the female dog "knotted".
This can be enhanced by slight pressure with the fingers or hand in the area of the external genitalia, which can be used to imitate the "knot". Some dogs love it, some hate it.
It should be noted that the anal gland rare can be emptied
, so it does not matter where and how it is massaged from the outside.