Citizen of Zooville
3D PRINTING SEX TOYS: a quick, easy and safe method!
Ok so, sex toys! Admit it. You've thought about it. ?But it seems so complex! You can't use a sex toy straight from the printer because the materials and nozzles aren't body safe, and even if they were, the layer lines are a breeding ground for bacteria. So traditionally you'd have to print a...
The above site won't load for me, but there's an archived copy also: https://archive.is/UzvmA
The example she uses is of a horsecock dildo. Unfortunately, she doesn't give the STL for the mold.
I thought the use of beeswax to smooth out the mold was an innovative idea, and much easier (and chemically safer) than melting the surface with solvents (e.g., ABS slurry with acetone -- the chemicals that melt PLA or PC are carcinogenic even outside of California). It does mean you won't get a highly detailed surface, though.
I would also throw in the idea of using photogrammetry to create realistic models. There are cloud services that will do this for you, but they might wonder (or not wonder) why you were uploading thousands of pictures of your dog's cock, so you'd probably want to buy the software.