Played waaaaay back in middle/high school during the era of 4th edition. Still had my cards and occasionally played with a couple friends in my early 20s, and took great pleasure in building a 4th edition era deck that was capable of owning their over powered newer era cards.
Haven't played in about 15 years, and finally just sold all my cards on craigslist about 7 years ago.
Few years ago played MtG Arena when it first launched, but quickly got sick of seeing nothing but "meta decks" that took any fun out of it. Though putting together custom decks that could own those meta decks with the right draws was amusing, it wasn't worth the headache.
Yeah. Can understand you. I printed my own cards to play with friends 10 years ago, was couple of timed on competitions.
Really love nasty one types of decks. Like mill, control or something glitchy.
Found one really giving headaches around to almost everyone
Here is the list, if you interested to try it out, hope you will have so much fun from frustrating opponents!
1 Glint-Horn Buccaneer (M20) 141
23 Mountain (UST) 215
23 Island (UST) 213
1 Treasure Hunt (WWK) 42
4 Seek New Knowledge (HBG) 36
4 Frostboil Snarl (STX) 265
4 Sulfur Falls (DAR) 247
First step is starting hand. At least 2 islands, 2 mountains, one Seek for knowledge. Use it to take treasure hunt and Glint from deck, but make sure you used all 4 of them and Glint with Treasure Hunt is in your hand. Then suddenly fun begins...
Carefully wait before opponent spends all his mana, play Glint, then Treasure Hunt, do not attack, just skip. Chose required amount of lands to drop from the hand(usually 42-44) and enjoy the massacre... Every dropped land deals 1 damage to opponent(ability of Glint).