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Magic the gathering


Zooville Settler
Does anyone playing mtga? Maybe in real life?
Or something similar like Heartstone or etc?
Played waaaaay back in middle/high school during the era of 4th edition. Still had my cards and occasionally played with a couple friends in my early 20s, and took great pleasure in building a 4th edition era deck that was capable of owning their over powered newer era cards.

Haven't played in about 15 years, and finally just sold all my cards on craigslist about 7 years ago.

Few years ago played MtG Arena when it first launched, but quickly got sick of seeing nothing but "meta decks" that took any fun out of it. Though putting together custom decks that could own those meta decks with the right draws was amusing, it wasn't worth the headache.
Played waaaaay back in middle/high school during the era of 4th edition. Still had my cards and occasionally played with a couple friends in my early 20s, and took great pleasure in building a 4th edition era deck that was capable of owning their over powered newer era cards.

Haven't played in about 15 years, and finally just sold all my cards on craigslist about 7 years ago.

Few years ago played MtG Arena when it first launched, but quickly got sick of seeing nothing but "meta decks" that took any fun out of it. Though putting together custom decks that could own those meta decks with the right draws was amusing, it wasn't worth the headache.
Yeah. Can understand you. I printed my own cards to play with friends 10 years ago, was couple of timed on competitions.
Really love nasty one types of decks. Like mill, control or something glitchy.
Found one really giving headaches around to almost everyone :husky_love:

Here is the list, if you interested to try it out, hope you will have so much fun from frustrating opponents!

1 Glint-Horn Buccaneer (M20) 141
23 Mountain (UST) 215
23 Island (UST) 213
1 Treasure Hunt (WWK) 42
4 Seek New Knowledge (HBG) 36
4 Frostboil Snarl (STX) 265
4 Sulfur Falls (DAR) 247

First step is starting hand. At least 2 islands, 2 mountains, one Seek for knowledge. Use it to take treasure hunt and Glint from deck, but make sure you used all 4 of them and Glint with Treasure Hunt is in your hand. Then suddenly fun begins...
Carefully wait before opponent spends all his mana, play Glint, then Treasure Hunt, do not attack, just skip. Chose required amount of lands to drop from the hand(usually 42-44) and enjoy the massacre... Every dropped land deals 1 damage to opponent(ability of Glint).
The 4th edition era deck I built specifically to kick my friends' 7th edition era cards was a Shadow deck. Shadow was a mechanic unique to 1 4th edition expansion that was only on black and white cards. "Creature with Shadow can only block and be blocked by other creatures with Shadow". Last time I checked, a few years ago, they had still never reprinted Shadow.

90% of my creatures were Shadow, so they couldn't do shit against them. Used CoPs and an 0/1 wall named Wall of Shadows that was for all intents and purposes unkillable to protect myself. It was a swarm deck too, so it basically doubled in power every turn. We were once playing a 5 way free for all, they all hated my deck so much they all targeted me, and still I was able to single handedly kill 3 of 4 of them before the last brought me down, and he would have died on my next turn.
The closest I have ever gotten to playing MtG was a PC game called Shandalar from quite a few years ago. I have to say it was pretty fun, and I would like to be able to play the real game at some point at least once, but I would probably be confused given how long it has been since I played. Last time I was into MtG, Banding and Interrupts were still a thing, so it has been a while...
Huge player here ! Standard mostly, I passed mythic with "Brothers war". I start commander too but my deck are probably bad as fuck haha
Pure casual but I loved mixing all kind of effects. Haven't played in a long while due to not having anyone interested in learning the card game.
I love mtg. I have thousands and thousands of cards and have collected and played for a long time.
Does anyone playing mtga? Maybe in real life?
Or something similar like Heartstone or etc?
Stopped during the BFZ sets. Had a pretty nasty little goblins trick deck in DTK tho

15 goblins suddenly becoming 4/4 dragons.... Bad day for someone
I played alot in my early twenty's, even played at an official tournament, and got second place.

But after my brothers all went on their own path in life, I just stopped playing. It's very sad to be honest, mtg was always alot of fun. I miss it a bit, but I don't think, I will ever go back to it. It kinda was the end of childhood.
I've played in real life a handful of times, but I refuse to buy my own stuff because I know that's a slippery slope. Love making decks with my friends cards
Played a bit as a kid, never had the money to really get into it back then, now I have an extensive collection and play when I have time.
I tried getting into the mobile version of the game but it ran like sh*t on my phone ? It seemed like a fun game though.
I played it for a little while on PC a few years ago when I heard about it from a D&D DM I watch. Used to play mtg irl LOOOONG time ago back in the 90's and early 2000's. My cousin got me into it when I eas a kid, I used to watch him and his friends play all the time.
I tried it, but because Magic pioneered the card battling genre it has some failings that are fixed in later games. For example the extreme degree of randomness. Drawing your initial hand has a huge influence on the game, and the mulligan mechanic doesn't fully address the disadvantage you can be put at by making a bad first draw. Other card games have addressed this by making sure there are no cards that are just completely useless at times (like powerful cards when you have low mana, or even ALL cards if you're unlucky enough to draw no mana).
Played EDH religiously before the Covid shit started, still have all of my RL decks, but the landscape has changed a lot since then. A few of my cards (Wheel of Fortune etc.) must be worth like 200 eurobucks now each.

Also Xmage is a thing if you value your money, it's perennially broken but just functional enough to be fun.