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Last Day Before June! #zoopride


Even though [ZetaPride] is only one month after the month of June, don't be afraid to celebrate with everyone during this years PrideMonth! I just wanted to remind everyone to always be happy and proud of the person you are!
Sure we may be in quarantine, but we don't have to let that stop us from taking pride in our community!
Being zoosexual is a beautiful thing, lets continue pressing forward as we celebrate the rights of both humans and animals alike!
It's time to celebrate Pride together, and show it with passion! ❤
Lets all kick off the year together! ---> #zoopride
Your right, I did the same.
It’s funny how gay les and all the other letters used to be an illness. Yet now that very community is outcasting another group. It’s kinda funny, the outcast casting the outcast in the deep. Oh how I can hate humanity.

Theyre such hypocrites.
I believe our turn will eventually come around. Just look at the journey the LGBT community had to endure over the years. I have a dream..lol
I believe our turn will eventually come around. Just look at the journey the LGBT community had to endure over the years. I have a dream..lol
And that dream will most certainly come to pass. <3 For the LGBTQ+ community it was easy. Theirs was a civil rights only issue. With us, were involving the rights of our animals as well. Which the way I see it, makes our movement all the more beautiful! ❤
I believe our turn will eventually come around. Just look at the journey the LGBT community had to endure over the years. I have a dream..lol
It is not a matter of waiting your turn, but it is a matter of doing all of the hard work of building up a movement and keeping it on track. The LGBT leaders worked their asses off because they had the intestinal fortitude and the drive to do it. It took an entire lifetime of effort. The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is right now.
What are we going to do for Zoo pride week? Any suggestions? Bake a Zoo pride cake? Watch a Scooby-Doo marathon? Watch Beast porn and drink? I could use some suggestions.