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Knotted and Pulled around?


Citizen of Zooville
Has anyone experienced being knotted and pulled?

I've seen only some clips of human/dog mostly dog/dog

Is it uncomfortable? arousing? painful?
For me it's arousing in the Post Sexual erotic high of the experience, but a bit Painful and Uncomfortable once I've orgasmed. I do get some nervousness and a bit of fear comes over me in the end. I get a panic feeling afterwards... more that I am afraid he is gonna hurt himself by pulling away, I personally feel like its more psychological than anything.
for a guy, painfull being pulled from the inside
drug around cause you have to scramble backward to try and stop the intense pain is not fun for me
learned fast to let a dog go at me near a wall and corner so when he turns he facing the corner and can't go far
Has anyone experienced being knotted and pulled?

I've seen only some clips of human/dog mostly dog/dog

Is it uncomfortable? arousing? painful?
For a female accepting a dog vaginally, it's not going to happen. Period. The structures are too different, and as a result, no woman in existence can maintain a vaginal tie if more than a tiny amount of pull is applied. Anally is another tale altogether, but be aware that being pulled hard enough to be dragged is ALMOST certain to result in a pullout that's going to hurt like absolute hell, and very possibly cause a rectal/anal tear that will be excrutiatingly painful (to put it mildly) and may very well require surgical repair. (which doesn't even consider the high possibility of infection from the injury, which is likely to make it even MORE painful)