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Just got caught and don't know what to do


Sorry if this is in the wrong thread but I'm literally panicking right now. It's morning here so I thought I'd be safe to have fun with my boy with no one awake. Well my little sister woke up and was looking for me. She saw me just as my boy was licking away on my hole and immediately asked what I was doing. All this just happened 20 minutes ago and idk what to tell her. I don't think she saw that much since there was some cover between us but she definitely got to see me on all fours and his tongue licking so there's that... I think she's old enough to have an idea about what sex is and I don't want her mind going towards that direction. What can I possibly tell her that will make her shut up about it and make it seem like it was other stuff?
Errr.... AWKWARD!

I guess you could tell her that you were stretching and Fido gave you a little lick when you weren't looking... But honestly, I'd agree with the others: Wait until she asks more.

Of course, if she goes to Mom & Dad, you are going to have a lot of questions to answer!
I think you shouldn't say a thing if she hasn't said anything. Still you don't tell us if she's actually aware of what sex is. Just hope this wouldn't interfere with her thoughts. Maybe she'd just see it as sometime awkward and will not talk about it later
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Let it be. The more time that goes by is a good thing. If confronted by anyone about the event - Deny, deny, deny....
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It's best not to pursue the subject, otherwise it might stick. And small children remember very little of their early years. Just be cool, calm down, pretend nothing happened.
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I had a friend catch me with his dog. He was as deep as he could go into me and going hard. I looked over my should to look at my lover and I saw my buddy looking in the window at me. We made eye contact. He ducked back out of site as his dog finished with me and my friend never said anything to me about it.
You're not old enough to lock the damn Door? Then youre probably not old enough to be here.

Edit to add this: WE lock doors to protect others, and our critters. You may well have set Sis on a path. Her Future, if so, is partly on you.
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Sorry if this is in the wrong thread but I'm literally panicking right now. It's morning here so I thought I'd be safe to have fun with my boy with no one awake. Well my little sister woke up and was looking for me. She saw me just as my boy was licking away on my hole and immediately asked what I was doing. All this just happened 20 minutes ago and idk what to tell her. I don't think she saw that much since there was some cover between us but she definitely got to see me on all fours and his tongue licking so there's that... I think she's old enough to have an idea about what sex is and I don't want her mind going towards that direction. What can I possibly tell her that will make her shut up about it and make it seem like it was other stuff?
Be careful she doesnt start with the boy. Just from seeing something might make her think of trying and if shes young she could be injured
Be careful she doesnt start with the boy. Just from seeing something might make her think of trying and if shes young she could be injured
We all have to start somewhere. If she is old enough to begin experimenting and that’s what’s she’s interested then I don’t see a problem with it. As long as the doggie is into it. I get where you are coming from, but it seems a little hypocritical to tell a zoophile site to make sure someone is not having sex with an animal.
We all have to start somewhere. If she is old enough to begin experimenting and that’s what’s she’s interested then I don’t see a problem with it. As long as the doggie is into it. I get where you are coming from, but it seems a little hypocritical to tell a zoophile site to make sure someone is not having sex with an animal.
So if his sister is 5 years old its cool?
My experiences have taught me to just keep quiet about it. If no one brings it up then it most likely means that they would rather just forget about it. I used to be careless when I was younger and am pretty sure that a few people have suspected me of having done something that they would rather just put out of their minds. I'm not like that now though.
So if his sister is 5 years old its cool?
No, not at all. Did op post her age? If op said she was five then no. That’s why I said if she is old enough to be experimenting. I definitely don’t promote or support underage sex.
No, not at all. Did op post her age? If op said she was five then no. That’s why I said if she is old enough to be experimenting. I definitely don’t promote or support underage sex.
He didnt actually say. He is sneaking around the house and she's old enough to have an idea. That could be as young as 5-6 I was thinking to myself. You caught me off guard with your answer then.
He didnt actually say. He is sneaking around the house and she's old enough to have an idea. That could be as young as 5-6 I was thinking to myself. You caught me off guard with your answer then.
Well op said that they were old enough to know what sex was so I was thinking quite a bit older than that.
It seems a little hypocritical to tell a zoophile site to make sure someone is not having sex with an animal

It does? We have an obligation to protect ourselves, our critters AND those around us. No, the OP didn't state her age as 5...the fact that he didn't state it at all, OR state his, is suspicious all by itself. Its things like this that put us on the perv radar. Use your head, as the OP shouldve done.
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