There's a few problems with Zoo Community, and I'm going to be honest from the heart here:
1) They insist on using a "thanks" system with limited number of "thanks" you can give out. When you like someone's post, there is no way to make it so that you receive a notification, only "thanks" reactions will receive notifications which cost points to use. This seriously hampers engagement from users. There's been posts that I've made on that forum that received multiple likes from users, only, I didn't know about it because there's no way to receive a notification. I pretty much had to stumble on them in the wild. If they were smart about it, you'd be able to get notifications from both actions. A like would cost nothing, but would at least alert you that someone else agrees with your post/point/information. While a "thanks" would feel extra special because you know the user gave up some of their points to give it to you, which makes them rare to get.
I've brought this up to the admins over there and I was pretty much blown off. *Shrugs* whatever I guess. And, I don't know if this is just me, but I also don't receive a notification after someone else has posted after my post in a thread. Which, again, stifles user engagement. I only received a notification if someone replies directly to me.
2) The layout of the site is an absolute cluster mess. And that's putting things nicely. There's plenty of redundant categories, and they've further broken things up into general audience/adult audience. It makes using the forum a pain in the rear end to navigate.
3) The fact that the whole forum is geared towards pushing a "zoo acceptance" and "zoo positivity" narrative. They are pretty much in your face about it.
4) The fact that they allow minors on the site. Which is a big fucking yikes! There's also usually mature threads mixed in with the general audience threads. I used to report these, but after awhile I kind of gave up on doing so. Because apparently it's not an important enough issue to them.
5) You're PMs are NOT private. All discussions can be viewed by the mods/admin. And, I get that this is because they allow children on the site, but IMO they should not be allowed on in the first place.
6) I will say that my interactions with their staff members have either been mostly neutral or pleasant. But that's my experience.
@egoldstein above isn't the only one that's had issues with their mods/admin. But since I personally haven't, I'll end this point here.