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Is this to over the top


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
Hi all, So I travel past a house regularly on a country road with a 100km/hr (63 miles/hr) speed limit and more often than not I see a GSD race out the front gate to chase whatever is passing. He only goes about 100m or so down the road before returning back to his house. It's a quiet road normally, but I am really concerned for his safety. Today he almost caused a major accident when a car was following the Motorbike the dog had taken off after. The car locked up all 4 wheels and only just stopped in a huge cloud of smoke before they hit him. I was coming the other way and knowing of his games, I had already slowed down before I got to the property gate so I was able to stop safely myself without difficulty. I called to the other driver to make sure they were ok, as I ran accross the road to the dog. The young girl behind the wheel was shaken, but fine otherwise. I managed to get hold of the dogs collar and check him over. He didn't have so much as a hair out of place. I told the girl "He's fine, I'll take him back to that house there, I've got a few words I want to say to them, about letting him run loose like this." She offered to come with me and I waited till she moved her car off to the side of the road. There was no answer at the door so we left the dog and I closed the front gate.

So when I got home I wrote what follows, and was going to put it in their letterbox next time I pass later this week. My question is, is the ending to descriptive? I really want to drive home the point that I was making, but I don't want to be too rude or scary the dog was still fine this time.

A message from your dog.

Dear Human family members, can I please ask you to remember to close the front gate as I keep getting these urges to run out onto the road chasing bikes and motorbikes and the occasional car if it looks interesting.

Why just the other day I almost caught a car, well actually it almost caught me. Upon thinking about it, I have decided that I would look pretty silly squished flat with my insides on the outside. After all Red would clash with my coat colours.

˚Thank you for listening.

Love D. Dog
It could sound a little intimidating in the last part, but I like the idea. Maybe something like a playing dead joke would be equally effective without being too crude?
Well, it also depends on what kind of owners they are and if they really care about their dog...
Personally I would've just gone with "Your dog is a hazard to traffic and eventually somebody, human or canine, is going to get hurt". Your creative writing might get a more empathetic response, but if it doesn't you'll probably just confuse them.
Or add a "P.S. Really, do something or there will be an accident eventually." to emphasize this is for real. Otherwise, just go with it, good idea.
Great idea! However, might some people take it as a threat by you to hurt their dog? You would not, of course, but the dog's owner, getting mad and/or defensive, might say you are threatening their dog when you are not. A few changes in words use and verbiage would prevent that.
Thank-you being so caring about animals, and stepping up.
Thanks for your input everyone, I have toned it down a bit. Hopefully this is better

A message from your dog.

Dear Human family members, can I please ask you to remember to close the front gate as I keep getting these urges to run out onto the road chasing bikes and motorbikes and the occasional car if it looks interesting.

Why just the other day I almost caught a car, well actually it almost caught me. Upon thinking about it, I have decided that if any of my red stuff comes out, from the car hitting me; that would probably be very not good. And I want to be a good boy, so if you could help me fight my car and bike chasing addiction, by keeping the gate shut that would be great.

˚Thank you for listening.

Love D. Dog