Thanks. I will try to create an accountMinus what people are calling it on Telegram. If anyone sees a group with Zooville, its not ours. This is our own chat. It doesn't run on Telegram, doesn't run on Discord, in other words, it doesn't run on someone elses service.
Is telegram not as safe as I think it is? Why all the caution for it?Several unofficial as far as I remember. Use at your own caution.
Otherwise the forum uses Matrix (element) chat.
Why would you think an Arab app created by Russians that requires use of a legitimate phone number is safe?Is telegram not as safe as I think it is? Why all the caution for it?
I diddnt know that it was that. I thought it was as safe as kik. Is there any apps out there safe?Why would you think an Arab app created by Russians that requires use of a legitimate phone number is safe?