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Is engaging in animal intercourse cheating?

I’m very happily engaged to my fiancée (I’m 19F and she’s 21MTF) and for now, I’m leaving her out of the picture with regards to me exploring myself.

Would me having intercourse purely with animals be considered cheating? Nothing involving the owner, just the animal?
The definition of cheating is something that is determined between you and your partner and is unique for every relationship. If it breaks the bonds of trust that the two of you have discussed and understand about the relationship, it is cheating. Your partners opinion is the one that matters on this, not yours.
Some people
Consider masturbation or watching porn cheating. Or even flirting with another person. It really depends on your partner.
The definition of cheating is something that is determined between you and your partner and is unique for every relationship. If it breaks the bonds of trust that the two of you have discussed and understand about the relationship, it is cheating. Your partners opinion is the one that matters on this, not yours.
100% agree
Cheating is really defined by the individual's feelings and values. Some people consider kissing cheating, others don't care at all. It's generally determined by lack of disclosure or dishonesty. And then of course if it would hurt or break trust with the other individual
Being with someone else's animals crosses the line. Just the intimate knoweledge of what you're doing that is being kept from your partner but shared with another person seems like what many people would commonly consider cheating.
I think as others have stated, it’s up to the both of you what counts. There’s people out there that think masturbating or seeing a naked picture of a woman you’ve never interacted with is cheating. I’m sure we’d all like to say it’s not cheating so that we feel better. But to me, saying that having sex with my dog doesn’t count, kinda diminishes what my k9 partner means to me. As if I’m comparing him to an object like a dildo. That’s just not what zoophilia is to me. Sure, I like the idea and fantasy of random animal sex, but I’d want an actual loving connection and partnership with my animal lover. And if I’m having that, then a human partner would most likely consider it cheating.
You’ll get lots of differing opinions because every human and relationship is different. That’s the beauty! You or your partner will never ever have the love or relationship you have together with anyone else. In regards to cheating…. I think the only correct answer to that question is another question to you….. “does it feel wrong or like you’re cheating?” If your answer is anything aside from no…. Then you have your answer. I’m assuming since you came here with the question that something inside you feels condemned/concerned that you are cheating. If nothing else it’s being dishonest…
Depends how you go about it tbh I don't think it is if they know about you been active but if it's a secret then it kind of is but at the same time it's not as if it's going behind someone's back with another person it's a pet