I have had these attractions, thoughts, etc since i was a young boy. I was also into older men at a very young age (age 16), (never acted upon it! but had the attraction)
I spent my whole life trying to bury the feelings towards animals and it was painful. The last few years ive finally come to terms with accepting it. You are who you are, there is no changing it. What matters is if you are someone who is kind or someone who takes advantage and wants to do harm.
What I have come to realize is,
We will never know the truth until we die. I know who I am, I am a bright beautiful soul that wants to spread love and do good in this world. I never have any intentions of hurting any being, and I am always working to be the best version of myself. I know I have done so much good in my years alive and plan to continue that until the day I die. You know who YOU ARE and you even stated you do not want to do ANY harm to an animal or being. There is no "cure" for this just like there's no cure for being gay. This is part of who you are. Like i stated above, i pushed it away for all of my life. Now im in my late 20S AND FINALLY accepted this part of myself and so much of a burden has been lifted.
So, I was created with flaws, but my flaws are not causing ANY harm to anyone or anything. I must accept them and continue to be kind, loving, caring, sharing gratitude every single day and understand that life is random and good and bad things are always happening.
I will keep praying, showing my love and faith, and continuing to do good. (Even if you're not religious the same still applies-- Just have respect for all creatures of this world)
I will always feel the guilt, and always wonder if my zoo fetish is frowned upon, but all I can really do is keep my faith, share love and be the best version of myself every single day. Make sure you never bring anyone harm, strive to do good, and WORK TOWARDS ACCEPTING YOURSELF!!!
I have accepted this as part of who I am and I must live with it and know I was born into this world for a reason. I am here for a reason and i have had experiences that have literally proven to me there is an after life. I have been blessed with soooo many unique experiences and all i can do is just have gratitude and keep going.
P.S I haven't done anything sexually with an animal due to crippling health anxiety but i will say this:
read ALL of the threads here:
Try out some guided mediations on youtube for healing, self confidence, guidance etc. Your first step is to work towards accepting yourself, this will take a while.
The shame/anxiety is something that you need to work through, face it head on, acknowledge it and try to heal it. You also need to come to acceptance if this is part of who you are
Remember, sexuality is a spectrum. You may fall on a different scale compared to others..
Some people never tell their partners, friends, family, therapists etc... others do and hope for the best. That decision is up to you. Just make sure you are staying healthy and never jeopardize anyone's health. But i personally think you do not need to be telling a therapist this because NOTHING is wrong with you.