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(Instert clever title here)

Hello there! Forgive me if I dont know all the terms, as im a bit new to this all and have only just now started to explore this side of myself.

Im a zoo curious male (just learned that term lmao). Im not sure if im looking for like minded people or friends, im just trying to see if this is really what I am if that makes sense.
For years, nsfw content with humans never did it for me. When I discovered furries a few years back, things felt a little better but it always felt a bit off.
I've never made a move on any animal but have had some "interesting" dreams and a few urges that have lead me here.
Aside from that bit, I am an artist. I love to draw and I am currently saving up for a degree in animation somewhere. I would post my art here but I don't know if im comfortable posting it here, out of fear it may be linked to my original accounts. I also make fursuits and again, for the reasons above I will not be posting pictures.
Sadly I do not own any animals that I find an interest in. I do however have various pet bugs like snails, isopods and other creatures. I may post pictures of them since I doubt it would be linked back to me.

I guess my only question is: where do I start with all of this? I don't wanna mess up and do something that could get me in possible legal trouble.

(Side note: I am not interested in possums in a sexual manner, they're just my favorite animal and I thought the image in my pfp was cute)
Hello and welcome to the community, it is very nice to meet you. I hope you find everything you are looking for here, make plenty of new friends and have lots of fun. :) i had a pet possum when i was young