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I’m surprised how many girls I’ve met have tried it!

In my dating history I’ve met a surprising amount of girls that I was able to talk to enough to get comfortable with me. Comfortable enough that they told me that they either have let their dog lick them or actively let their dog lick them. It’s always so hot to hear and I never want to give off the wrong impression so I always played it cool. But in my mind I can’t help but to think how hot it is. Keeping down the urge to watch or help their little pussies get eaten out is always difficult. It’s very refreshing to know how common it is. And a lot of these girls apparently started at what I can only describe as “tender ages”. Not that I get off to that fact, but it’s just a recurring detail. Anyway, not sure what I expected out of this post but just a rant.
More people are into it than society lets on and no I'm not being hopeful with that statement.
Can't tell you how many conversations I've had where bestiality got involved even if just in a joking way.

I personally think it's way more thought of or accepted than we admit. It's just always the self righteous a-holes that try and ruin life for the rest of us. Making other afraid of something very natural
My totals are: 4x into dogs, 2x into horses, 1x into formicophilia... and that's without looking for them, after knowing them for a while. I think the K9 love is more pervasive than we realise and majority of women will never tell a soul about it. Gay bro's are a bit more forth coming but I've yet to find one that respects boundaries in a way that I feel safe to share it with.