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I'm fucking terrified


Maybe this isn't the proper place to post this, but I am in a lot of pain. Both physically and mentally.

I know it's stress related but that's the problem. It's one step forward, ten steps back for me. I'm at my breaking point and it's terrifying.

My sister cost me my job (she was my transportation) by up and quitting. Her lazy ass husband doesn't do fuck (except make $33 per hour while still living at my mommy's house for $400 per month rent)
My neighbors are constantly slamming doors, arguing and trying to kill each other. All 6 of them live there for $300 per month to me paying $800 per month living alone. They get government assistance.

And my dog has been ill lately, pissing blood. I've had her checked out before and they precribed antibiotics. Now she's out and back at urinating drops of blood. Oh, and her legs are failing. I feel so weak not being able to help her, but it's age.

Sorry for the rant. I'm just sick and fucking tired of busting my ass only to be raped by fate. The worst part is having nobody to talk to. I'd call a counselling hotline but they'd just lock me up. I need to be here for my dog.

Fucking hell, what a rough situation
I’m sorry to hear you’re having such a bad time lately, and I will keep you in my thoughts. Try to breathe, I know it sounds cliche but I struggle with anxiety and depression, and when I start to feel so overwhelmed about life stresses I take a moment to sit by myself and just breathe, clear your head and try to tackle one issue at a time. Don’t overload yourself because you will burn out completely! If you ever need to talk to somebody, I’m always open to lending an ear and being a friend! Just remember, you can’t always control everything around you or help the way that certain things may be going, all you can do is take it in your stride and try to deal with things the best you can! You’ve got this!
Thank you. I'm trying to keep my cool, it's just hard. Gonna give my dog a big hug, try to fix my bike that broke this morning and keep a smile (albeit a fake one) on my face ?
It is really hard, I totally get it! Yeah just give your dog a big hug, she probably needs it too :D good luck with your bike as well!
Thank you. I'm trying to keep my cool, it's just hard. Gonna give my dog a big hug, try to fix my bike that broke this morning and keep a smile (albeit a fake one) on my face ?
I'm glad to hear from you again Captain, but it's hard to hear that things are getting harder for you again. ☹
Sounds like your neighbors need thrown in the nut house. Its pretty sad so many adults out there need to be tossed in a nut house so they can learn how to behave and keep their hands to themselves.

Go look up tools on rational and emotional behavioral therapy.
also reduce any drug use you may have whether its booze, smokes or pot ect.. sure being drugged up may feel good at the time, but in emotional situations they hurt more than help.
Social stimulation is a necessary as well, yeah online can help, but you are missing the full experience. all though a bit difficult for some at this current time.

Things may take awhile to pass or get worse. But if you learn a good rational emotional balance, it will go a long way in helping reduce your stress load mentally to a point.
It great to hear from you but sad to know your still up shits creek. If you got some steam to blow off I suggest a hand bag and go to town. It’s what I do.
I'll be damned, Finally someone with real problems. Yeah, There's fuck all you can do but breathe and try to maintain your sanity. Start looking for work from home jobs, Call center work sucks but the pay is decent. Find a cheaper place to live, Fuck $800 for rent, That's nonsense. As for your bitch in law and dog, Not much you can do about either but prepare yourself for the worst. Oooh, Also now is a really good time to file for unemployment.
I'm glad to hear from you again Captain, but it's hard to hear that things are getting harder for you again. ☹
I'll be damned, Finally someone with real problems. Yeah, There's fuck all you can do but breathe and try to maintain your sanity. Start looking for work from home jobs, Call center work sucks but the pay is decent. Find a cheaper place to live, Fuck $800 for rent, That's nonsense. As for your bitch in law and dog, Not much you can do about either but prepare yourself for the worst. Oooh, Also now is a really good time to file for unemployment.
That's the worst part. I'm still technically on their payroll so I'm unqualified for unemployment. There's still work, but I'd have to either teleport or take a bus 6 hours a day get paid for 8 (so 14 hours a day in total)
C'est la vie
Maybe this isn't the proper place to post this, but I am in a lot of pain. Both physically and mentally.

I know it's stress related but that's the problem. It's one step forward, ten steps back for me. I'm at my breaking point and it's terrifying.

My sister cost me my job (she was my transportation) by up and quitting. Her lazy ass husband doesn't do fuck (except make $33 per hour while still living at my mommy's house for $400 per month rent)
My neighbors are constantly slamming doors, arguing and trying to kill each other. All 6 of them live there for $300 per month to me paying $800 per month living alone. They get government assistance.

And my dog has been ill lately, pissing blood. I've had her checked out before and they precribed antibiotics. Now she's out and back at urinating drops of blood. Oh, and her legs are failing. I feel so weak not being able to help her, but it's age.

Sorry for the rant. I'm just sick and fucking tired of busting my ass only to be raped by fate. The worst part is having nobody to talk to. I'd call a counselling hotline but they'd just lock me up. I need to be here for my dog.

Fucking hell, what a rough situation

Hey sweet, my heart always breaks when I see shit like this. Life really likes to kick people when they're down, huh.

There's nothing that I can really say that will help, but just remember time heals all wounds. Without the rough parts of life, the good parts wouldn't seem as sweet. Pet your pup for me, age is the worst enemy to face - as long as you love her the same as you always have, that's all she cares about. I'm not the most frequent replyer - but please feel free to PM me if you need it. The only thing worse than going through all this, is going through it alone.
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Hey sweet, my heart always breaks when I see shit like this. Life really likes to kick people when they're down, huh.

There's nothing that I can really say that will help, but just remember time heals all wounds. Without the rough parts of life, the good parts wouldn't seem as sweet. Pet your pup for me, age is the worst enemy to face - as long as you love her the same as you always have, that's all she cares about. I'm not the most frequent replyer - but please feel free to PM me if you need it. The only thing worse than going all this, is going through it alone.
Thank you <3
I'm never alone when my pupper keeps stinking up my bed ?
We'll make it through. One way or another. Just need to stay positive (and stop being so bipolar)