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i'm back...

not sure if it's a bad idea or not to say this up front, but i'm the type to be honest about things, so i won't pretend i'm someone else...i got bant from this site a while back, and i never got any official explanation, but i believe it was because i said some things in private chats that were against the forum's rules. i didn't realize at the time that those chats were monitored, so i thought the forum rules did not apply and i could say anything i felt like. now that i know this is unacceptable, i will make sure to scrupulously follow the rules of the forum EVERYWHERE on the forum, including in "private" chats...i am very sorry that i broke the rules last time, and this community has been so welcoming that i would love to have a second chance to be a compliant member of it.

if this account is immediately banned as well, i will totally understand that decision, but i hope that doesn't happen. this is a new, more discreet me, and i hope to get the chance to prove that.

i also hope to get the chance to suck a fat shiny purple dog cock until that good boi cums down my eager throat...i am allowed to say that, right? :p
If a user is banned it's usually for good reasons. Now I'm curious what content you were supposedly banned for? Zoosadism? Pedo shit? Spamming unwanted dick pics? Stocking and harassing users? There is usually a valid reason for banning a user. Also, ban dodging is WAY against the rules!

If I understand correctly PMs are not monitored, but a user is free to report a one PM at a time if a user is breaking rules.
If a user is banned it's usually for good reasons. Now I'm curious what content you were supposedly banned for? Zoosadism? Pedo shit? Spamming unwanted dick pics? Stocking and harassing users? There is usually a valid reason for banning a user. Also, ban dodging is WAY against the rules!

If I understand currently PMs are not monitored, but a user is free to report a one PM at a time if a user is breaking rules.
if ban dodging is against the rules, i'll totally accept it if they want to ban me again...i just misunderstood what i was allowed to say where, and it won't happen again, so i hope the mods will accept my sincere apology, as well as my promise not to repeat my past mistakes...which i'd rather not discuss. it's easy to get...carried away on this site.
if ban dodging is against the rules, i'll totally accept it if they want to ban me again...i just misunderstood what i was allowed to say where, and it won't happen again, so i hope the mods will accept my sincere apology, as well as my promise not to repeat my past mistakes...which i'd rather not discuss. it's easy to get...carried away on this site.
Welp, it's up to them to decide. Like I said there's usually a good reason for banning a user. "Forum rule don't apply in PMing" psshit, sure!!
that's fine. like i said, i have no intention of breaking any further rules, so if i'm banned again, then that's my fate.
But you DID break rules. All the rules on this site are pretty fair, and for non serious shit, usually the mods will only give you a strike, rather than a ban. So whatever you did must have been pretty serious.
But you DID break rules. All the rules on this site are pretty fair, and for non serious shit, usually the mods will only give you a strike, rather than a ban. So whatever you did must have been pretty serious.
well, i never got any notification of what rule i broke, i just tried to log on one day and it said "oops, you've been banned!"...the site wouldn't let me see any messages/notifications i got, and i never even got an email notifying me of the ban, so i'm just guessing.

i know the mods will see this thread and make up their minds whether or not to allow me back, so i'm just trying to be as honest as possible...any posts or messages that i made last time around that were against the rules were intended purely as fantasy, and now that i know even that is unacceptable, i fully intend to be an upstanding member of this community henceforth.

or, i'll be banned again for my past transgressions. at least i asked for that second chance...this community has been such a wonderful and inviting place, i have to at least try to get back into its good graces :)
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The fact that he mentioned private message indicates he did far worse, like probably sending or talking pedo shit through the PM system. Anywho, I need to investigate something, I always thought when we put a reason in the reason box when we ban the user gets notified.

*Edited massive typo*
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The fact that he mentioned private message indicates he did far worse, like probably sending or talking pedo shit through the PM system. Anywho, I need to invistage something, I always thought when we put a reason in the reason box when we ban the user gets notified.

I'm sure such a notification would depend on the user's email settings. If they disable emails from admins, or don't check the email account used to make the account here then even if it would normally send out a notification they wouldn't get it.