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I heard that there was at least one local effort that has taken off


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
Someone that wrote into this podcast that I listen to mentioned being in contact with local zoos. That is heartening.
Nope. The person that wrote in didn't say even where they were from, but that person just said that they had found comfort in mingling with local zoos in their area.

I realize that many zoos are hesitant to try to meet with other zoos in their area, but this is all the more reason why it ought to be celebrated when a local effort actually does take off. It has tremendous inherent challenges, and it's very scary for many Millennials and Homelanders to meet someone from online face-to-face.

Zoos that have succeeded at organizing locally are my heroes.
I have thought about this before, back when I was single, but now being in a relationship I think I would be uncomfortable meeting other zoos or beast fetishists irl.. unless it was a girls only group and there is no perversion towards one another. More like advice and making friends. But I have come across “adventurous” women before and they’re always quick to hit on you and try to get you doing some sexual thing with them.
I have to admit that I'm one of those desperate types that would have given anything to have an "adventurous" woman hit on me.

Locals, in my area, that I have managed to get in touch with are mostly gay men.

The only straight guy was...I think dangerously unhinged.

For some reason, I think that NC State attracts horny young gay boys that want to sleep with big, handsome dogs with big dicks.

Their mascot is a wolf.

Unsurprisingly, FurryMUCK's first server was based there.
I have to admit that I'm one of those desperate types that would have given anything to have an "adventurous" woman hit on me.
There are plenty of gay bars (women go to them too) where those types of girls hang out. Pretty much any sex positive space will have those types of girls.
This means nothing. If they were to get too vocal, the authorities would quell them pretty quickly.
This means nothing. If they were to get too vocal, the authorities would quell them pretty quickly.
Shush. We are at least a generation out from anyone getting vocal, @mares4me. Right now, it's hard enough to get zoos to talk to each other. The bird is nowhere near ready to leave the nest. Right now, we're still growing the feathers, and those feathers have still got a lot of growing left to do. If we can barely even get our people to come out to other zoos, then let's finish that, then try to work on getting them to come out to some open-minded non-zoos.
I don't know why you think this is supposed to be celebrated. It isn't the first time a group of zoos have come together.

And, like I said, they need to stay quiet. Let's hope none of them screw up and out the other ones.
Oh, shush, zoos are already out, and stop pretending that the whole world and their brother can't log on here and view your stuff on here. This is a public place. We are not in a private place, here. Stop pretending that any of this conversation is private.

Hello, nice researcher who is reading this publicly viewable content. I am talking to you directly. Please take a note:

The effect of these laws and the concomitant societal witch-hunt has not been to stop us from having sex with our animals. It has only caused us to go from being relatively well-adjusted people that have sex with their animals to being paranoid nervous wrecks that have sex with their animals. Either way, we are still going to be having sex with our animals. There are just going to be more psychiatric problems in the mix.

Therefore, let's tally up what society has accomplished by attempting to cause problems for us:
  1. Causing problems.

Help, please.
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Why should I even care about the zoo community, anyway? What has anyone ever done for me?

They can just go ahead and risk everything they have by socializing IRL. Hopefully nothing bad happens and they don't get reported to the police.

I want no part of it.
Thanks for showing me just how useless this community is. There is no reason for me to even be here. You all have done nothing but shun me anyway.

Oh, wait, there's still porn. I guess there is some use here after all.

I was just intent on commenting about something heartening that I heard in a podcast that I liked.

I mean nothing personal by saying this to you, but the whole rest of the world can see that pornography. It is not invisible to non-zoos.
Thanks for showing me just how useless this community is. There is no reason for me to even be here. You all have done nothing but shun me anyway.

Oh, wait, there's still porn. I guess there is some use here after all.
I didn't want to say this before, but I now feel compelled to say it now.

It doesn't help that you're coming across as antagonistic. Yes, I understand that you have autism, as you've stated previously, but you shouldn't be using this as a crutch and as an excuse to push people away.

And no, this is not me shunning you; this is me giving feedback. As difficult as it sounds, you're going to need to work on that. It's not in my power for me to kick you out, and it would violate my moral center if I did have the power to do so, but you seriously need to get a handle on that fuse of yours.
@MareButtUddrrLovrr Whether I'm kicked out or not, it doesn't even matter at this point. This community has shown me its true colors. It's not worth fighting for people who wouldn't even look in your direction. I have no fuse, but I have realized that, even when everything came crashing down around me, there was nobody that told me it was going to be all right.
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Oh shut it with the "woe-is-me, everybody is mean schtick"

Being autistic doesn't mean you can't learn how to interact with non-autists in society.
How? You we're the one who initially acted like a dick, and then you started throwing a tantrum when people called you out on it.

People aren't obligated to care about how you feel, especially when you come into a public place not respecting others in the first place
Whatever you say, man. I'll try not to derail this thread by arguing with you. It's pointless.
@MareButtUddrrLovrr Whether I'm kicked out or not, it doesn't even matter at this point. This community has shown me its true colors. It's not worth fighting for people who wouldn't even look in your direction. I have no fuse, but I have realized that, even when everything came crashing down around me, there was nobody that told me it was going to be all right.
That is why I think it matters so much for zoos to get together with other zoos. Being able to let our guard down matters a lot more than it sounds like it should.
Well in terms of the topic, I think this is fine as long as everybody is trustworthy and smart about it
Oh, that's just general wisdom from Internet safety, which we have been practicing since the 1990's. Meeting someone, for the first time, that you first met online can be difficult to coordinate. The usual advice of always meeting in neutral public places, at first, applies.
there was a post on BF ones about a party orgy, looked very positive. but after some though research i found out it was totaly fake
That's one of the things that disappoint me about seeking contacts online, when some promises of hope turn out to be false.
I've known local zoos in all of the places I've lived. The vast majority of them have been good people and some of them have become long standing friends. I don't look for locals, just usually end up where another friend happens to know someone near me. Never met someone with the thought of a sexual encounter being a possibility, always social.
IMO, there's more risk in a local and if things go poorly, they can do more damage. I mitigate some of the risk by not committing crimes in front of people I don't trust very, very well. Like in all walks of life, some of us are disasters waiting to happen so it is important to take things slow.