So last Thursday I got my girl spade. She is 5 years old and her last heat was in march. After she got home from here procedure I called the vet for some last minute info. At some point during the phone call the vet that did the procedure asked if my dog was getting ready to go into heat. I told him ”no, she just had a heat in march.” My heart skipped a beat when all I heard on his end was “huh……..” the silence after that huh, was easily 4 to 5 seconds long. I have been having sex with here pretty much 2 times a week since her last heat. 7 days before her procedure I stopped filling her with my seed but I still had sex in fact the night before her procedure we had sex, and again no seed was deposited inside her. I don’t feel like he knows our secret but what made him ponder about that question? It was a very unexpected question and an even more unexpected response.