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I feel guilty (gelding fisting)



I’m feeling self conscious rn, today I fisted a gelding, he really liked it and loosened for me, I got to feel what I’ve always wanted to feel, but I made him bleed a bit and I’m afraid that I may get caught, idk if this goes here
It sounds like A) You're messing with horses that don't belong to you. And B) You seem more worried about "getting caught" than inflicting injuries on a creature that feels pain and has emotions. What you should feel is shame. Shame that you let the head between your legs do the thinking instead of the head between your shoulders. Hell, I feel super bad when I accidentally step on my dog's tail. The fact that you made he ass bleed should leave you feeling all kinds of guilt over the fact that 1) it's probably going to hurt for him to shit. And 2) there's a good possibility that it may end up infected.
I feel bad for him, I groom him a lot, what should I do?
I feel bad for him, I groom him a lot, what should I do?
Well, you should definitely not mess with his asshole in the future. Imagine someone comes up and pets you, they turn around and then shove their hand up your ass to the point it rips. For the next 2 weeks crapping on the toilet is met with horrendous pain. The wound opens back up, and you get an infection. But, you're unable to tell anyone about this and it becomes septic. Finally someone notices that something isn't right, but by the time you're taken to a hospital it's too late. You've become too septic and you have to be euthanized.

Now, will all of that happen to the horse? Maybe, maybe not. It could happen though. What should you do? You better hope that he recovers and if he isn't your horse, you should leave him the hell alone.

Also am I getting banned now?
You currently have a report open on this. I've posted my comment on the report. I'm waiting on a second opinion on what should be done. If there's a lesson to be learned here, I'd rather you learn it. Rather than being banned and not receiving any help. Potentially making the same mistake again.
Really don't have much to add that Floofy hasn't already covered, anal fisting either sex of equine is a complete no go as far as I'm concerned. And doing so with a horse that's not yours is just reckless, how would you feel if it was a mare and instead of causing bleeding you caused a miscarriage?

Horses are expensive enough without someone else causing harm to them, and you don't wanna know just how pissed I'd be if something like this happened to one of mine.
I made him bleed a bit and I’m afraid that I may get caught
Just so you know, horses are delicate animals, you should always keep this in mind when you're interacting with them. Yes, they may be big, but they should still be treated with the utmost care. Poor guy is probably in a lot of pain now...
The only way bestiality will ever be more accepted is if this community removes all forms of sexual contact with animals that don’t have 100% undeniably enthusiastic consent.
Unlikely as long as just about any fetishist can pass the registration step.
I’m good, I’ll be checking up the horse from time to time, I don’t fence hop
I swear to god it’s shit like this that is why bestiality will never be publicly accepted. I see so much on this website where consent is far, far from likely. “how can I give my dog an enema so I can fuck it’s ass?” I swear to fucking god. The only way bestiality will ever be more accepted is if this community removes all forms of sexual contact with animals that don’t have 100% undeniably enthusiastic consent.
Most people believe that animals feel less pain, or barely any pain when this just isn't the case. So they go as far as they want with animals, rather than what they would imagine they'd feel if it were happening to them instead. I love horses from the bottom of my heart. Feeling sick to my stomach just reading OP.
Man in all honesty you're fucking disgusting. Yes, horse asses are soft and stretchy but like, come the fuck on, you don't just go putting your hand into anyone's anus. Such things require the horse being YOUR partner, trust specially. It requires lubing, stretching, softness, PATIENCE. Temptation may be strong but it's all in your head. Didn't you think it may not have wanted a total stranger break his hole? I agree with the one comment above, not only is the injury evidenced by bleeding painful to the poor guy you just fucking RAPED and SODOMIZED because that's no careful loving fisting, that's an assault. As they said, it can also get infected. Now please make the world a favour and try to imagine in as much detail as you can that someone stretches YOUR ass till it bleeds and when you shit, it gets infected. Hope that helps you see. You're the example of the things why people hate us zoos.