Man in all honesty you're fucking disgusting. Yes, horse asses are soft and stretchy but like, come the fuck on, you don't just go putting your hand into anyone's anus. Such things require the horse being YOUR partner, trust specially. It requires lubing, stretching, softness, PATIENCE. Temptation may be strong but it's all in your head. Didn't you think it may not have wanted a total stranger break his hole? I agree with the one comment above, not only is the injury evidenced by bleeding painful to the poor guy you just fucking RAPED and SODOMIZED because that's no careful loving fisting, that's an assault. As they said, it can also get infected. Now please make the world a favour and try to imagine in as much detail as you can that someone stretches YOUR ass till it bleeds and when you shit, it gets infected. Hope that helps you see. You're the example of the things why people hate us zoos.