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I barely feel any empathy towards humans and yet, I feel an extreme amount of empathy towards horses. Is there anything wrong with that?


Just a quick note, if this is better in another thread, please do move it.

Anywho, let me elaborate, like I mentioned, I feel quite little empathy towards humans, enough that I don’t think I would class as a sociopath, but little enough that human’s dying in some foreign country or such barely phase me at all.

Yet, with horses I feel an amount of empathy towards them that honestly gets annoying at times.

For example, I just cannot stand watching any medieval movies where horses are involved, I know typically they have horses that are trained for fighting scene, but regardless, even that makes me extremely uncomfortable.

Or even in fucking- video games, I still feel very uncomfortable in any scenes where a horse may be hurt despite the fact it’s completely fictional.

Im not sure if anyone else can relate to this feeling here, but regardless, I do wonder if this is actually normal or not.

(sorry if my writing here is a bit sloppy, it’s 1 in the morning and I can barely keep my eyes open, just wanted to get this off my chest.)
It's really easy to hold a pretty cynical view of humans. I know way more bad humans than I know bad horses. I can definitely relate to the empathy to the point of annoyance, unfortunately I feel it for humans too!

I've been working on fleshing out some thoughts about love and the way it is expressed across the spectrum since there's a lot of different ways and intensities and "flavors" with which it can be felt but it's currently just a rambling mess.

I would imagine in my mind it kind of boils down to that it's easier to not feel empathy for humans because you never actually know where they stand with their empathy towards you, never know how deep the relationship really is. Other animals don't communicate in this obfuscated way, so it's much easier to feel like there is more honest communication and interaction. Or something like that, my writing is a bit sloppy too lol.
I don't think it matters that much if you feel empathy towards a certain group of beings or not, but rather that despite a lack of empathy for them you nevertheless treat them with respect and (at least rational and in principle) concern for their well-being. Thus I don't think there's anything wrong per se with your lack of empathy for people.

I'd wager anyways that the vast majority of people struggle with empathising with people they can't relate to, and I assume your experience is just a more extreme form of that, relating to horses more than other people.
Whenever I watch movies or whatever, I am more upset when an animal is killed (yes, I know it's acting, but still) than when something like that happens to human actors. I have always refused to see War Horse because so many horses, dogs, etc. etc. were killed in the trenches, and those who survived the war ended up as mincemeat. It doesn't make me hate people, but my empathy will be with those animals (human or otherwise) who do not judge me and accept me how I am.
Can’t relate. I’ve always been curious to eat horse. I think your situation is pretty normal.