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How’s about formicophilie (insects)


I’ve found very less information here about this topic? My wife come out to me, that she let flies crawl on her pussy when she smokes on the balcony. I’ve watched it now a few times and it turn me on.

I wanna connect with people who enjoy the same kink.
Well definitely be careful about diseases. There's a lot of things zoos may want to do that they can't because of the consequences, like sex with stray dogs (disease) and hugging wild bears. Stay smart and safe.

This site is not tolerant of alternative forms of sexual deviancy even if there is no harm to others, like scat. I don't make the policies here, just letting you know.
Well definitely be careful about diseases. There's a lot of things zoos may want to do that they can't because of the consequences, like sex with stray dogs (disease) and hugging wild bears. Stay smart and safe.

This site is not tolerant of alternative forms of sexual deviancy even if there is no harm to others, like scat. I don't make the policies here, just letting you know.
Oh I see. I don’t wanna hug a bear 🤣🤣

But thx for the warning.
I answered that above. It isn't always for a moral reason, like for scat. For insects, it could be either moral or subjective reasons depending on what you're doing. It's not what people here want to discuss. I'm not a mod though.
There's a rule against insertion of small animals, which includes insects.
Other than that... Meh, I'd guess most users here don't find flies particularly attractive.
*raises hand* I'm a formiphile. I love watching and letting insects explore and have their way with our pure and tender parts. If you want to chat, perhaps a private dm conversation is called for to avoid upsetting the non-formis out there.