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Howdy I suppose?

Zeta Hikari

I'm Hikari (at least on here) I'm a latina trans girl. I'm in (but not from originally) Western central Florida, I'm in my early 20s and tbh I've been here lurking a bit but I'm still quite conflicted about even posting here.

I've had zoophilic thoughts before when I was an early teen but nothing too crazy. It was all just curiosity as someone still growing.

Now, I'm not entirely sure. I've had very prominent zoophilic thoughts for a couple years now and they come and go tho never entirely. I feel kinda guilty and almost try to make myself feel grossed out with myself because of it but tbh it just comes back and doesn't quite stay away. I wish it weren't the case but I've caught myself daydreaming about buying a couple acres when I'm working a good job after college, building a small house for myself in nature so I can live off the land like my grandparents did, and enjoying life with a furry lover or two.

I guess I'm here to find people with similar feelings, experiences, etc, and to maybe make friends or whatever life may have for me.

I've started trying to be a bit more accepting of this side of me, hence me posting here, and I really hope I can find a community and maybe friends who make me feel seen :)
Welcome, hope you realize this ia something many enjoy and if respect and love your pets its perfectly ok.
We have enough preasure on us in general dont add to it.
I live in a country where simply being gay is out of the questuon let alone exploring some trans thought i might have , u live in a better place i know its not perfect but i am happy for you. I lived on a farm and it is a hard life if u have animals, day starts waaay earlier then most asume but it has its beauty if u think about this lifestyle i suggest u talk to ppl who live it, it is a big decision. One thing which is a constant ure kinda tied to that land, if u jave aninals u cant just go for a vacation for ex.
And then therr is the romantic/sexual side of it which is beautiful but again it will be something u must hide most ppl dont understand it its a taboo at best and illegal at worst.
But as most will tell you here it is worth it.
If you wish ill gladly tell you more over dm.
Hi and welcome, you should feel fairly comfortable here. I've had really good connections (chat only) and some that raised my eyebrows lol. If you are open to friendly chat and once you get enough posts, my DMs are open. **Edit** Southwest Florida here.
Welcome, hope you realize this ia something many enjoy and if respect and love your pets its perfectly ok.
We have enough preasure on us in general dont add to it.
I live in a country where simply being gay is out of the questuon let alone exploring some trans thought i might have , u live in a better place i know its not perfect but i am happy for you. I lived on a farm and it is a hard life if u have animals, day starts waaay earlier then most asume but it has its beauty if u think about this lifestyle i suggest u talk to ppl who live it, it is a big decision. One thing which is a constant ure kinda tied to that land, if u jave aninals u cant just go for a vacation for ex.
And then therr is the romantic/sexual side of it which is beautiful but again it will be something u must hide most ppl dont understand it its a taboo at best and illegal at worst.
But as most will tell you here it is worth it.
If you wish ill gladly tell you more over dm.
Thank u for your warm welcome and the advice, I really appreciate it!

I'm trying to be kinder with myself and not beat myself over this. It's just a bit of a struggle coming to terms with something so demonized when you know no one like you in real life. At least, like you said, I live somewhere where trans folks aren't in the greatest of danger despite the transphobic legislation being passed. I am glad that is the case as struggling with being queer and conflicted while also struggling with being a zoophile would be a lot. I appreciate u reminding of these often overlooked blessings.

As for living off land, I know it's a challenge and that it requires sacrifice. I haven't lived that life full time but my grandfather used to own a homestead with chickens and tons of crops before he moved to Florida from the Caribbean. I used to help him out from time to time growing up, and I know the challenges that entails. I've woken up early in the morning to feed the chickens and harvest eggs, I've helped water crops and checking for pests, etc. Again, haven't lived that life full time but from my experience I wouldn't be too bothered by having to do that stuff again. Also, I'm not thinking of straight up abandoning society so I don't need to fully rely on my homestead for everything. My dream is to just live a more rural life without as big a dependence on society as I do now, as long as I get to live that way I won't mind the details too much, but thank you for trying to look out for me and informing me about the challenges that may pose. Lots of folks my age romanticize country living but have had zero experience with it and have no clue how hard it can be. A little wake up call like this is def needed for folks like that.

Folks so far have been equally as kind as you so I'm definitely getting the feeling that this will be a great place to engage with like-minded people. I'd love to talk to u more over DM but I haven't reached the needed post amount. However, as soon as I do I'd be glad to talk more :)
Hi and welcome, you should feel fairly comfortable here. I've had really good connections (chat only) and some that raised my eyebrows lol. If you are open to friendly chat and once you get enough posts, my DMs are open. **Edit** Southwest Florida here.
Hi, thanks for the warm welcome! I can imagine that as with anything there will be good connections and sometimes rather odd ones like u said

I'm definitely cool with talking once I get enough posts. Meeting folks in my same state (even if just online) should be fun. I'll keep u in mind until then :)
Im Latin too. I think this might be one of the few places where we can express our kinks, likes and say what we like about this. Welcome, and hope you enjoy your time in here!
Thank u for your warm welcome and the advice, I really appreciate it!

I'm trying to be kinder with myself and not beat myself over this. It's just a bit of a struggle coming to terms with something so demonized when you know no one like you in real life. At least, like you said, I live somewhere where trans folks aren't in the greatest of danger despite the transphobic legislation being passed. I am glad that is the case as struggling with being queer and conflicted while also struggling with being a zoophile would be a lot. I appreciate u reminding of these often overlooked blessings.

As for living off land, I know it's a challenge and that it requires sacrifice. I haven't lived that life full time but my grandfather used to own a homestead with chickens and tons of crops before he moved to Florida from the Caribbean. I used to help him out from time to time growing up, and I know the challenges that entails. I've woken up early in the morning to feed the chickens and harvest eggs, I've helped water crops and checking for pests, etc. Again, haven't lived that life full time but from my experience I wouldn't be too bothered by having to do that stuff again. Also, I'm not thinking of straight up abandoning society so I don't need to fully rely on my homestead for everything. My dream is to just live a more rural life without as big a dependence on society as I do now, as long as I get to live that way I won't mind the details too much, but thank you for trying to look out for me and informing me about the challenges that may pose. Lots of folks my age romanticize country living but have had zero experience with it and have no clue how hard it can be. A little wake up call like this is def needed for folks like that.

Folks so far have been equally as kind as you so I'm definitely getting the feeling that this will be a great place to engage with like-minded people. I'd love to talk to u more over DM but I haven't reached the needed post amount. However, as soon as I do I'd be glad to talk more :)
Well ppl not having country life experience is a general thing although nore of a developed country problem, here even where i live in a city of 150k the outer areas have gardens chikens even pigs and half my friends live in vilages arround , it is ideal tbh 20 30 min car ride from the city which is considered a sizeable city arround here and the quite life of vilages.
U need 10 posts outside of fun and games to unlock dms when i am writing this it says u have 7.
I know its hard to let go of the self doubt self hate and guilt anyone who says its easy has no idea what he or she is talking about , but ure here and being arround like minded ppl helps ?
Knowing ppl irl with this lifestyle ofc helps but u have to be super sure who u confide in.
All my irl friends who know either knew them for years in some cases decade+ or meat them because they were zoos.