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How will I know??


Hey guys!

Hoping some women can help with this situation and maybe provide some clarity or even men who have been in the same situation. I have been intimate with a female for a few months, nothing serious. We regularly have intercourse to which her dog is present most of the time as it sleeps in the room. I have tried to joke and drop hints about certain points such as her dog getting excited to see if she is interested but she is very hard to read and I cannot for the life of me gauge if she would be open to the idea. How can I progress this topic in a subtle but progressive way?
When we have intercourse, he will normally jump on the bed whereby when we are doing it I pray her dog investigates more and taste her when shes very wet as I feel that would be the best way to know if she would like it based on her reaction. I for one wouldn't say anything and let it happen. What I want to know is, as a woman how can I approach the situation to gauge her mindset towards it and secondly this is for both men and women. How can I get her dog wanting to investigate more when I'm intermate with her? I try going harder so the sounds of slapping may want him to pop his face there and I've tried going slow but nothing seems to work! What can I do??

I'm hoping she is open to the idea as this fantasy of finding a woman like that would be a dream come true! So need the help!
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It’s a VERY delicate situation. First things first: is her dog neutered? Because that could easily explain why he’s not showing interest
And even if he isn’t neutered, you can’t really push him to be into the sex if he isn’t interested. Not without reaching into the fine line between beastiality and animal abuse at least
Yeah I agree, I'm taking it very slow and not pushing the matter as a precaution because of its delicacy I'm not 100% sure if her dog is neutered, I have asked, I will find out and let you know.
I'm hoping there maybe techniques I can use that to identify if he is interested a little and go from there if he is
Even though I'm a woman, I can't begin to tell you how I would, if I were in your shoes, approach the topic with someone who I wasn't sure of zoo interest with. Maybe others will have a better idea.

As far as her dog goes, as the other commentator said take things slow. If he's neutered and is age, as well as how comfortable he is will and can play a part in if he's accepting of being curious, let alone mounting her. When/if you reach the stage of exploration, everything needs to be on his terms and at his pace.
It's a very difficult topic to approach and one that not all people are open to the idea of. I would hope she is open to it but I do have a great amount of doubt that she is not. I'm hoping others who have been in my situation can help! But I appreciate both comments and thank you both for taking the time to reach out!

Hopfully, she is open to the idea, I can then look at potentially introducing my dog into the mix who is of a good age and would love to join in.

The ideal situation would be that if her dog, in his own time does come to investigate whilst intercourse is on-going, maybe taste her and await her reaction whilst she is in that frame of mind. If she allows him to taste her and do what ever he likes then we can progress slowly from there.
It's a very difficult topic to approach and one that not all people are open to the idea of. I would hope she is open to it but I do have a great amount of doubt that she is not. I'm hoping others who have been in my situation can help! But I appreciate both comments and thank you both for taking the time to reach out!

Hopfully, she is open to the idea, I can then look at potentially introducing my dog into the mix who is of a good age and would love to join in.

The ideal situation would be that if her dog, in his own time does come to investigate whilst intercourse is on-going, maybe taste her and await her reaction whilst she is in that frame of mind. If she allows him to taste her and do what ever he likes then we can progress slowly from there.
My husband told me his interest when we had a quiet evening with some wine already having an open conversation. This safe space allowed him to tell me and it allowed me not to judge him or feel pressured to an opinion.
if I would have felt pressured I probably would have judged him.
My husband told me his interest when we had a quiet evening with some wine already having an open conversation. This safe space allowed him to tell me and it allowed me not to judge him or feel pressured to an opinion.
if I would have felt pressured I probably would have judged him.
Thank you for sharing your experience!