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How to have a two-dog house without all the puppies?

The gf and I are getting ready to explore our zoophilia together. She loves the boys and I love the girls and so we are looking to get two non-neutered dogs (a boy and a girl). But we are worried that we might end up with way more puppies than we can handle.

Has anyone else found themselves in a similar situation? What kind of dynamic can we expect with a multi-dog/multi-sex house?

If we are both attentive to their sexual needs will it lessen the frequency of sex they have with each other?

Thanks for any guidance or advice folks can give!
The gf and I are getting ready to explore our zoophilia together. She loves the boys and I love the girls and so we are looking to get two non-neutered dogs (a boy and a girl). But we are worried that we might end up with way more puppies than we can handle.

Has anyone else found themselves in a similar situation? What kind of dynamic can we expect with a multi-dog/multi-sex house?

If we are both attentive to their sexual needs will it lessen the frequency of sex they have with each other?

Thanks for any guidance or advice folks can give!
I feel like you might be playing with fire here. Nature will ultimately take its course, and I feel that even with what you might consider regular sex with both of them, they are going to fuck like.. well, animals. Expect them to. So, if you aren't ready for the puppies, maybe you're not ready for the experience, would be my input here. I'm not trying to be an asshole here at all, just trying to be realistic. Dogs are gonna want to fuck.
feels like i'm the first one to reply with actual experience and not a random opinion,
i had a mixed gender pack for quite some time with zero problems. keep them separate when she's in heat when you're not around, it really is as simple as that. it is said that a male dog can and will get through many obstacles to get her. it only really applies to a boy who doesn't get any sex otherwise... i had two different intact boys (one after the other) together with my girl and both were kinda chill about her heat cycles, because both "got some" regularly, heat or not.

i was able to even walk them together with zero problems. well, zero from my boy. non-leashed dogs of other ppl may be a problem.

if you want to be "extra safe" a vasectomy might be a good call too. because believe me, keeping up with in heat girl's and boy's who had his amped up by her pheromones libidos is tough at times.
I am 100% sure you will be full of puppies. I can already smell it from afar when someone is unsuitable for keeping dogs.
feels like i'm the first one to reply with actual experience and not a random opinion,
i had a mixed gender pack for quite some time with zero problems. keep them separate when she's in heat when you're not around, it really is as simple as that. it is said that a male dog can and will get through many obstacles to get her. it only really applies to a boy who doesn't get any sex otherwise... i had two different intact boys (one after the other) together with my girl and both were kinda chill about her heat cycles, because both "got some" regularly, heat or not.

i was able to even walk them together with zero problems. well, zero from my boy. non-leashed dogs of other ppl may be a problem.

if you want to be "extra safe" a vasectomy might be a good call too. because believe me, keeping up with in heat girl's and boy's who had his amped up by her pheromones libidos is tough at times.
Awesome, thanks for the advice!
feels like i'm the first one to reply with actual experience and not a random opinion,
i had a mixed gender pack for quite some time with zero problems. keep them separate when she's in heat when you're not around, it really is as simple as that. it is said that a male dog can and will get through many obstacles to get her. it only really applies to a boy who doesn't get any sex otherwise... i had two different intact boys (one after the other) together with my girl and both were kinda chill about her heat cycles, because both "got some" regularly, heat or not.

i was able to even walk them together with zero problems. well, zero from my boy. non-leashed dogs of other ppl may be a problem.

if you want to be "extra safe" a vasectomy might be a good call too. because believe me, keeping up with in heat girl's and boy's who had his amped up by her pheromones libidos is tough at times.
This thread is full of people trying to help, I see no "random opinions". Is that your theory on people helping, that they shouldn't unless they themselves have experienced the exact same experience? This would be a pretty empty forum, guy.
This thread is full of people trying to help, I see no "random opinions". Is that your theory on people helping, that they shouldn't unless they themselves have experienced the exact same experience? This would be a pretty empty forum, guy.
There you go with your "random" opinions again! ... i kid , i kid!!! ;):giggle:
This thread is full of people trying to help, I see no "random opinions". Is that your theory on people helping, that they shouldn't unless they themselves have experienced the exact same experience? This would be a pretty empty forum, guy.
I would add that this is not a common behavior in dogs. Just because he was like that doesn't mean other dogs will be like that. 1-2 minutes of not paying attention is enough and they have already knotted, if the male is pro. Then you're fuckdup, because there will be 10 puppies. Or you have to push she full of hormones so they don't develop puppies (like the 72 hour one).

We should not share such advice so that they can be together. No, they can't be together. He must be locked up for 3 weeks and not in a crappy kennel or behind a paper room door, or he must be taken somewhere else.
Or easy, just don't keep/own dogs of the opposite sex.
People are such idiots shit when it comes to keeping dogs of the opposite sex, it's horrible. 9 out of 10 people screw it up and have puppies.
Oh wow, I had no idea that was an option.
The Parsemus foundation promotes hormone sparing sterilization methods and maintains a list of vets who are willing to perform vasectomies.

This thread is full of people trying to help, I see no "random opinions". Is that your theory on people helping, that they shouldn't unless they themselves have experienced the exact same experience? This would be a pretty empty forum, guy.
yeah, there are two pretty good "try vasectomy" and "just keep them separate" advice.

then there was you and masha with "it will totally happen!1!1!!". male dogs are not sex machines and you totally can keep them chill enough for a heat to not be that much of a problem...

trying to help and helping are two separate things. how is answering in an unfounded absolute "helpful" in any way?
my "theory" is that ppl with no experience shouldn't participate in threads were someone asks about anything potentially serious. which unwanted litters probably are. and you can't really go and google "how can a zoophile keep dogs of both genders".

any "advice" based on anything besides actual experience is "a random opinion". you can go give your opinion when someone ask what kind of bread they should try...

9 out of 10 people screw it up and have puppies.
9 out of 10 people don't keep the dogs sexually fulfilled enough...
yeah, there are two pretty good "try vasectomy" and "just keep them separate" advice.

then there was you and masha with "it will totally happen!1!1!!". male dogs are not sex machines and you totally can keep them chill enough for a heat to not be that much of a problem...

trying to help and helping are two separate things. how is answering in an unfounded absolute "helpful" in any way?
my "theory" is that ppl with no experience shouldn't participate in threads were someone asks about anything potentially serious. which unwanted litters probably are. and you can't really go and google "how can a zoophile keep dogs of both genders".

any "advice" based on anything besides actual experience is "a random opinion". you can go give your opinion when someone ask what kind of bread they should try...

9 out of 10 people don't keep the dogs sexually fulfilled enough...
I have experience with lots and lots of dogs, just not males and females living intact and in the same immediate area. I didn't just come out from under a rock. Your experiences are also not the only way things can go. In fact, it's more likely the dogs will fuck and have puppies, than whatever it us that you're suggesting. Nature is against your theory.
sure, call those opinions "facts", that's sure to make you seem more credible.
of course they will fuck if you keep them in a single room alone unsupervised. why do you think the op asked for advice?

i'm not suggesting anything, i'm sharing my experience.

"nature" was also against me having a good eye sight, yet i managed. weird...
sure, call those opinions "facts", that's sure to make you seem more credible.
of course they will fuck if you keep them in a single room alone unsupervised. why do you think the op asked for advice?

i'm not suggesting anything, i'm sharing my experience.

"nature" was also against me having a good eye sight, yet i managed. weird...
I'm not sure why you are this way, I think perhaps you enjoy being obtuse, and it's working.

FACT: It is, IN FACT, more likely for dogs to breed and produce offspring, than for them to, say, not.

Do you not think that's a fact? What fucked up alternate reality are you a party to, anyway? I look more credible here because I am. Maybe you should work on that.
It can be done. It would, and does, require a LOT of vigilence on your part. 24/7 when a heat cycle is active. You may be sleeping, but the dogs may not be. Keep that idea in your mind at all times and respond appropriately.
I have lived many decades with both intact males and females in the same house. I have had 0 puppies. Keeping them separate and also satisfied sexually best you can help the nerves, but the separation is key. If they are together at any point during the cycle they must be supervised, very closely with 0 seconds of out of view time. This requires alot of vigilance, keeping close track to heat cycles, and making sure no "accidents" occur. While I believe that this is not for the novice, with proper devotion, responsibility, and care it can be done peacefully.
Then he won't eat. He doesn't always get food in nature, and he's also nervous about things in nature. No need to be sorry.
Vasectomy is not the solution, but separation is.
I don’t know. It seems to work for everyone I know who get their dogs one. Hell, some breeders us cover studs who been clipped to help their bitches come out of a heat faster.
An ovary-sparing spay is another option. Get that done, leave the male completely intact - and they can (and will) tie during her season, but nothing will come of it.
This lasts for 3 weeks even in the case of mating.
mating (dog with dog) can shorten the cycle, even pretty significantly. like by a whole week. i've seen it happen. it's different case by case, but i can see a breeder "using" a vasectomy-ed dog for that purpose.
An ovary-sparing spay is another option.
yeah, an incredibly invasive one with possible side effects (incontinence happening the most). vasectomy is way safer and should be the preferred option if one gets to chose.
Then he won't eat. He doesn't always get food in nature, and he's also nervous about things in nature. No need to be sorry.
Vasectomy is not the solution, but separation is.
males not eating when around in-heat girls have nothing to do with not always getting food in nature. it's them shifting all resources towards anticipation of sex. that's how strong the pheromones are.
a vasectomy totally is a solution to that, because he gets to "have some" and doesn't need to withhold anything in anticipation.

my boy won't get to the point of not even eating, because he is getting what he wants regularly... but some changes in his behavior were there regardless. i know plenty of boys who just stopped eating for a time when a girl in my street was in heat.
mating (dog with dog) can shorten the cycle, even pretty significantly. like by a whole week. i've seen it happen. it's different case by case, but i can see a breeder "using" a vasectomy-ed dog for that purpose.
In our country, this is not a known phenomenon at all. Why would it be, since she does not fertilize. Just as she will not be fertilized with a human and it will not be shorter there.

i know plenty of boys who just stopped eating for a time when a girl in my street was in heat.
These fucking male dogs are more hysterical than females. LoL males...

I really don't care what anyone else does or thinks is right or wrong.
Ok, just take a big step back and...
mating (dog with dog) can shorten the cycle, even pretty significantly. like by a whole week. i've seen it happen. it's different case by case, but i can see a breeder "using" a vasectomy-ed dog for that purpose.

yeah, an incredibly invasive one with possible side effects (incontinence happening the most). vasectomy is way safer and should be the preferred option if one gets to chose.
Someone gets it. I believe it has to the interdiction of testosterone. So in the wider sense it’s hormonal.