How insane is your male canine for sex?

Max Shepherd

A beloved male GSD who I saw irregularly, was always very happy to see me. He and I had a very close bond with the blessing of his day-to-day human. I would see him and his human every couple of months and it was always an exuberant re-union, two lovers separated and longing deeply, with crazy sex ensuing. However, several years ago, an intact female came into the household, and on her first heat, I was summoned to assist and house him temporarily while she cycled. My crush was over the top with sexual energy upon my return! On regular visits he was always delightfully insistent, glued to me, demanded my undivided love. This visit he presented with total sexual insanity. Complete and utter beaver-fever. I let him have his way with me, his claws rapaciously raking my back while he thrust madly, hammering at my hole, me intentionally not letting him fully penetrate so I could enjoy his nails digging insistently into my back side. I took a photo of the aftermath as I had not ever experienced such a demanding episode with him or any other male. Persistent. Rude. Velcro, and so on, but my lover was completely over the top. Took the cake. Won the Oscar for best fuck. Sent me to the moon and back.

Who else has let their male ravage them so viscerally?

Scratched So Good - Copy.jpg