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How does one make out with a Dog?



I've never understood how its done. Do you wrap his/her mouth around yours and both go as deep as possible? Or do you just go around half way and lick at eachother? I've always been curious.

Also, for those of you that have done it, did you contract any minor bacteria (just inflammations or swoles) from the experience? Im just curious since I havent and want to make sure everything possible is pleasurable for the future Dog I may own
Yeah, just licking each others tongues. Some people just open their mouth and let the dog go real deep (I do have a gag reflex, doesn't work for me).

I never got any bacteria or something.
I make sure to not let my dogs lick my face after they've eaten raw.
Your lips might become sore from kissing after some time.
I don’t really get all up in his mouth like that. I work in the medical field so I’m kind of ? freak. But I do kiss him all over until he can’t control him self
I don’t really get all up in his mouth like that. I work in the medical field so I’m kind of ? freak. But I do kiss him all over until he can’t control him self
It's more him getting into your mouth, and I would try it at least once if you haven't. You can always use mouthwash after.

I haven't made out with any really drooly dogs yet though, that might get a bit sticky.
ive heard the dogs mouth is the cleanest part of its body ;)
Ah. You need to check my other post on the germ known as Capnocyphaga. (Very long name so i probs just mispelt it) You can find the post in the Animal Companions section, or on my profile. I want everyone possible to read it as it could save a zoo's life eventually! And also, in theory save their partner from wondering "where'd he/she go?" Check it out!

Edit: Capnocytophaga*
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It's more him getting into your mouth, and I would try it at least once if you haven't. You can always use mouthwash after.

I haven't made out with any really drooly dogs yet though, that might get a bit sticky.
Still a ick factor for me. Like dog ass. They say try things at least 2 times. I usually go for 3 but on the 2nd I had to call it quits for the whole day.
Used to make out with this female dog. I just opened my mouth wide and stuck out my tongue and let get go at it. Her tongue hitting the back of my throat while I masturbated. Bliss.
I sometimes do the same with Rex, but he's too wild and toothy.
My gums and lips would get a little irritated from her coarse tongue but nothing out of the ordinary.
One question; You didnt have to use pbj or any flavor things in your mouth did you? If people have to use pbj or whatever to get their dog to kiss them or have their dog lick them in their genitals, I only see that as it being fake and even abuseful.
Usually I'll open my mouth and let the dogs lick away. I've only needed to teach one dog to kiss, the other already did it naturally. So for the one that I needed to teach. Basically she gave me a few licks on the lips on her own. I rewarded the behavior. She then kissed the inside of my mouth a little bit. I again rewarded the behavior with a "good girl!" And some petting. It didn't take long for her to become a little kissing machine.

Only problem is that it's harder to teach her how to stop. She likes to kiss literally everyone now.

So far pushing/turning her head away and saying "stop" is working well enough, but it's slow going. Usually she'll stop after saying stop about 3-5 times now.
One question; You didnt have to use pbj or any flavor things in your mouth did you? If people have to use pbj or whatever to get their dog to kiss them or have their dog lick them in their genitals, I only see that as it being fake and even abuseful.
Never needed that for either. Dog tongue wins the affectionate "battle" every time, although with a 115 pound mal bitch that was inevitably one sided.

However also not any more inherently "abuse" than a puppy licking a bitch's mouth in the expectation of food, IMO. If it were, any treat-based positive behavioral reinforcement would also be "abuse" (not that I used those much, either).

02c, anyhow. :)
Always made sure any dog I made out with hasnt ate for awhile(on theyre own) cuz dog food isnt my fancy & it'll be awhile after they've drank water to kinda clean the mouth. Then i try to passionately kiss on lips & before I know it where mouths wide open sticking ours tongues in each other as if we were thumb wrestling ?but its passionate
Always made sure any dog I made out with hasnt ate for awhile(on theyre own) cuz dog food isnt my fancy & it'll be awhile after they've drank water to kinda clean the mouth. Then i try to passionately kiss on lips & before I know it where mouths wide open sticking ours tongues in each other as if we were thumb wrestling ?but its passionate
test that out next time without depraving the animal, please

Edit: just read the (on there own) part. I just get quite passionate if i think someone may be hurting an animal. Sorry about that lol
My dog climbs on me and 1st licks my mouth then bites a bit to force it open then sticks her whole tongue inside mine. Her power personality turns me on
My dog climbs on me and 1st licks my mouth then bites a bit to force it open
Well hey as long as your fine with him/her doing that and as long as the relationship is consensual I dont see a problem
Well hey as long as your fine with him/her doing that and as long as the relationship is consensual I dont see a problem
She btw and i love it when she does that. Its more expressive the way she does it. If that isnt consent or kissing idk what is. Also its more of a opening my mouth kind of bite not hardcore forceful she knows how to manage her pressure.
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She btw and i love it when she does that. Its more expressive the way she does it. If that isnt consent or kissing idk what is. Also its more of a opening my mouth kind of bite not hardcore forceful she knows how to manage her pressure.
Thats what I hope for in my future tbh

You are one hell of a lucky dude lol