How do you think of your furry friend?


Having always been interested in zoo, I thought I would look at a pet dog as a sexual partner. But now that I've had my pupper for about 4 months (she's 6.5 months old now!) I don't think I would want to consider engaging in sexual activities with her. I think of my baby girl as... well, my baby girl. Can't really imagine doing anything with her.

How do you guys/gals see your own furry companion? Anyone change their viewpoint after having a dog yourself?
I think it's pretty common, especially when taking care of them since puppy age. You start to feel more like a parent. It's a wall that you have to get over, IF, you still want to do sexual things. And if you do, I think to most important thing is to remember that she's another creature with her own sexual desires.
Before my boy was an age of comfortable maturity for any sexual play, I was DAD. Teaching him right, wrong manners, etc.. when he crossed that line and started to initiate, he became my lover.

Before my girl initiated, I was her path to a better life, then I was her lover.

They made pups and I'm keeping one. Again, until he's of age, I'll be grandpa, and then, if he chooses to join in that, he will also become a lover.

It's a mentality thing. She's still young, continue being a parent, when her second heat comes, if she shows interest, then you'll have something to face. But for now, you def have time to come to terms with it.
I've commented on other similar threads. I am their caretaker and to me part of that is understanding that adults have desires.

When they are puppies I enjoy them being puppies and explore the world and learn. If when they grow up they're interested in more, we explore that, but it's not an expectation...though it is a hope. Some dogs just aren't interested in that and that is A-OK too.

I like a well trained dog so most of my dogs come to me as puppies, but occasionally I'll run into an adult who's exceptional and catches my attention. I try to treat my dogs well and give them interesting lives with meaning so when they become adults they usually make their desires known and we proceed from there.
Dude same. All my life I planned to have dogs as partners but raising one from a puppy, idk if I could ever think of him that way. I don't want to confuse or upset our dynamic. Idk I'm all mixed up. I guess it will all henge on his pupsona later on. He is a humper already so maybe when he's old enough we can have that discussion. But I just can't think of it right now