How do you prefer call us Zoophilic or Zoosexual?

Zoophilia or Zoosexuality

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Hi zooville comunity, i want to question you how do you frefer to call us. Zoophilic or zoosexual.

Zoophilia is the original word to name sex with animals in general.
Zoosexual ir a modern word to name the orientation sexual to animals.

It is not a questionary to differentiate zoophilia and bestialisty.

We must know, the termination (philia) is used by psychology and psychiatry to name the paraphilias, they are mental disorders. However word termination (sexual) is used to name sexual orientations.

We must remember, homosexiality was considered mental disorder and a paraphilia until 1973. In this year, American Psychiatric Association decided to take it ot of his manual. And today is a normal sexual orientation.

It is a questionary to know most people wich prefer to be call us. Personaly, i prefer call me zoosexual, so to start normalizing our orientation ;)
I am on the fence of which to select.
'Philia', while meaning 'love', has a connotation that definitely does not mean 'love' to the majority of society. If the negative atmosphere around the suffix did not exist, I would choose that one, but as it is, it allows easy conflation of zoos with pedophilia.
'Sexual' on the other hand would seem to only emphasize the sexual aspect of the relationship. I would prefer a word that expressed more than just a sexual desire, and actually expressed a bond or caring.

I usually just avoid this problem altogether and just say "zoo".
I agree with Shanoirll on the 'philia' issue. Its modern meaning to most people is to mark a disorder.

Zoosexuality on the other hand emphasizes the parallel with homosexuality, a formerly heavily persecuted orientation that is now by and large accepted, and protected.
I like to use the title zoo romantic to describe myself. I see my animals mate as more than just a sex partner. I see her as my romantic partner and the love of my life 🥰.