Apologies for the late reply, I just saw this thread now. I have a ridgeback so I can answer some of your questions. Ridgebacks in general are very loyal and loving dogs, being bred to hunt lions the ones that weren't able to work as a team... well they probably got eaten by a lion. lol.
So they're good "pack" animals. That being said... they can be very stubborn if not trained. If you get one obedience training is going to be a must unless you're just naturally good at training dogs to behave.
They need a lot of exercise to stay healthy. At least 30 min a day, an hour is better. They are happy to be lapdogs around the house, but they need to be active as well. If you dont keep them active they will get destructive. They're kinda both extremes. Half the time they're happy to do nothing... the other half of the time they're GO! GO! GO!
As for Lovers, I only have a sample size of 1, so I dont know how accurate it will be for the breed in general, but he's an amazing lover. However, if you're looking for one that'll go easy on you, a Ridgeback is not what you're looking for. It is hard and violent during the act... but he's very lovable and cuddly after completely massacring me. lol