I sense the common "which breed for sex" question.In your personal experiences, which breed of dog do you think is the horniest ? ? I know it may vary from dog to dog, but in general,what breed to you think is the most sexually active,and attracted to humans in that way ?
I sense the common "which breed for sex" question.
We have seen such questions here so many times. Do not pick a breed solely based on: dick size, horniness, knot size, humpiness,... please.
It is impossible to answer this question. How horny a dog will be depends on his very individual characteristics as well as on whether he likes havig sex with you which depends on how well you can do it.
Some dogs of the same breed may never be into humans at all. Some may absolutely love it.
The attractivenesd to humans can be sort of quantified but every dog is very individual. Breed description often does not fit very well. And the end result depends on how well you manage to socialize your dog with other people, other animals and various situations.
When selecting a breed please first consider how difficult it is going to be to take care of an animal of that size for you.
Ha ! A good one ! I think probably all humans are horny in one way or another,even if they are A-sexual, to use modern terminology. Sarcasm is good,as it shows a sense of humor. Everyone,& every living thing is individual . I think what was missed in my question,which has been asked of me very often, is: what breeds do people prefer the most (in general) even as just for pets, and why. Very harmless question. I'm sure everyone has a specific breed they like better than another breed ? Also ,from reading on here,I feel some people think certain breeds are better for sexual companionship than others ? Meaning,I think everyone has a personal opinion in what they like about their animals ? So in future,I will not ask such a general question. People have preferences, & personal opinions about their animals,& that was all I was eluding to in my general question .There are ,zoophiles,and also some who are curious,and some who are experimenting ? I was more or less polling for a personal experience from members on the forum.On a word of sarcasm what breed of human is most horny? Trick question
Animals are individuals and should be treated as such.
Dogs that have self awareness and intelligence is very entertaining due to their extremely good communication methods.Ha ! A good one ! I think probably all humans are horny in one way or another,even if they are A-sexual, to use modern terminology. Sarcasm is good,as it shows a sense of humor. Everyone,& every living thing is individual . I think what was missed in my question,which has been asked of me very often, is: what breeds do people prefer the most (in general) even as just for pets, and why. Very harmless question. I'm sure everyone has a specific breed they like better than another breed ? Also ,from reading on here,I feel some people think certain breeds are better for sexual companionship than others ? Meaning,I think everyone has a personal opinion in what they like about their animals ? So in future,I will not ask such a general question. People have preferences, & personal opinions about their animals,& that was all I was eluding to in my general question .There are ,zoophiles,and also some who are curious,and some who are experimenting ? I was more or less polling for a personal experience from members on the forum.