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Hey!! ^^ 18M from the blessed coast


ZooeyZeta here, didn't join this forum too long ago. I'm also from the land of meeses and snow, only Canada! Though I'm not really into hookups, too paranoid for that as I've heard lots of horror stories. If I'm hooking up with anyone it's gonna be someone I've known IRL and have formed a bond of trust with, though I know my chances in the real world are lower 😅

I was late to blossom to be honest, at around 14 I started having legitimately curious thoughts regarding animals and I felt my first pleasure a couple months after I turned 15 (not with an animal though, that's still yet to come!) I got off mostly via imagination and later on "normal" (if slightly provocative) creature pictures, both real and drawn. Only discovered true porn recently and was shocked by the sheer number of people in certain communities - I understood I wasn't alone, but I didn't know this many people were into zoo.

Only pet we currently have is a kitty and he too smol and innocent so I leave him alone (for the most part...... I've softly touched and gotten curious a couple times). My tastes vary far and wide, including but not limited to:
  • big dogs/wolves
  • big felines
  • foxes
  • kangaroos
  • horsies
  • sheep
  • goats
  • dolphins
  • seals
  • otters
  • beavers
  • birds
  • prehistorical creatures such as dinosaurs
  • and even mystical creatures such as dragons (which I think are the hottest creatutes ever conceived, by man or by nature), and some Pokemon
Obviously not all of these are realistic fantasies, but yeah. What I find strange is I like pretty much every species on the planet but my own - don't care for humans that much. Anyone else feel the same way? (I know there's a "zoo exclusives" subforum but I don't know how many people share as broad a taste as I)

On to less kinky stuff, I'm a big music buff and love nature - I live in a pretty remote place of the world comparatively speaking, especially compared to my prior city of residence where I moved from just over half a year ago. I'm so glad to have made the move and am much happier and feel more at home here.

I'm still quite early in my zooey journey so any helpful tips or advice would be much appreciated as I browse the site and progress. I'll do the same in the future, at least to the best of my ability 😅 Long Live the Zoos!