Zooville Settler
Has anyone tried some sort of faux female scent or something to help their male mount you? Jw my dog wants my other female but doesn’t show interest in mounting anything else
Another one of these threads? If your dog WANTS to have sex with you, you won't need any 'scents' to accomplish a tie. Respect his choices, and don't tempt him into it with pheromones smh, wait until he is horny and present yourself. If it is meant to happen he will get the idea and mount. If not then move on from the idea that it will, simple as that. He may never be interested in mounting you. There's always that possibilityHas anyone tried some sort of faux female scent or something to help their male mount you? Jw my dog wants my other female but doesn’t show interest in mounting anything else
ThisAnother one of these threads? If your dog WANTS to have sex with you, you won't need any 'scents' to accomplish a tie. Respect his choices, and don't tempt him into it with pheromones smh, wait until he is horny and present yourself. If it is meant to happen he will get the idea and mount. If not then move on from the idea that it will, simple as that. He may never be interested in mounting you. There's always that possibility
Where is it available online? I've searched for it an cant find it for sale anywhere. Same with Coyote scent. There were some places that had it listed, but they're all OOS everywhere I can find.Eau de Estrus is a product that is available online and I heard it doesn't work. I haven't heard of anyone having success with scent in a bottle products.
I went through the pages filling out bogus information just to see what all they want. They want Bank Name and phone number, as well as your business type... mind you I started this entire process as identifying myself in their form as a pet owner.Last I checked you do have to create an account with a distributor as a breeder or some kind of business, and they need to approve your account before you are allowed to buy. It's cumbersome but doable.